Associacao Portuguesa De Victoria
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DOMINGO DIA 18 DE SETEMBRO FESTA DO ANIVERSARIO DOS SENIORES Os precos para a festa do aniversario dos seniores serao: Seniores/Reformados: $25.00 Resto do pessoal: $30.00 Criancas ate 14 anos: $15.00 Continuam a marcar, telefonando para 0458 969 278, ou na Quarta Feira das 11.00 ate as 2.00 em 9360 5080. Obrigado APV A EMENTA PARA A FESTA SERA: Frango Churasco Pescada Carne Estufada
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Aqui esta a ementa para Sabado, dia 17 de Setembro Podem ja comecar a telefonar e marcar. 0458 969 278 Podem telefonar ate as 4.30pm no Sabado. Durante a semana, entre as 9.00am ate as 7.00pm. Na Sabado a partir das 2.00pm, podem telefonar 9360 5080. Obrigado APV Below is the menu for Saturday, 17th of September, You can call from now to book a plate/table on 0458 969 278. You can call until 4.30pm on Saturday. . On Saturday you can call the club on 9360 5080, from 2.00pm. During the week you call between 9.00am and 7.00pm, on the mobile. MENU: Portuguese variety dish, cooked and steamed veggies and smoked meats. $22.00 Fresh Snapper in the Oven 22.00 Beef and Pork Steaks in their respective styles, $20.00. Thank You APV
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Aqui esta a ementa para Sexta Feira, dia 16 de Setembro . Podem ja comecar a telefonar e marcar. 0458 969 278 Podem telefonar ate as 4.30pm na Sexta Feira. Durante a semana, entre as 9.00am ate as 7.00pm. Na Sexta Feira a partir das 2.00pm, podem telefonar 9360 5080. Obrigado APV Below is the menu for Friday 16th September, You can call from now to book a plate/table on 0458 969 278. You can call until 4.30pm on Friday. On Friday you can call the club on 9360 5080, from 2.00pm. During the week you call between 9.00am and 7.00pm, on the mobile. MENU: Veal baked in the oven with potatoes $22.00 Cod Fish on the BBQ $22.00 Beef and Pork Steaks in their respective styles, $20.00. Thank You APV