Our programs develop balance, co-ordination and confident body movement in people of all ages and it's lots of fun.
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Dream big in 2017 girls and boys, and may nothing and no one stop you achieving amazing things 💜
Video by Georgina
Flyaway 2016. What an amazing year 💜
Flyaway Gymnastics Albury Wodonga's cover photo
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What a year we've had! We have all but finished up for 2016 and what an amazing year Flyaway has experienced. We've run a squad training camp, bought a van to help us better deliver school programs, celebrated our first 12 months of successful operation at Wodonga and re-opened the foam pit after it was closed for 12 months due to flooding. We have held three amazing concerts - our senior one in the middle of the year, Wodonga at the end of term 3 and just last weekend our Albury junior concert. Not forgetting club championships at the end of term 1 which has record entries and was a massive success. We have serviced over 50 local schools and 4500 school children with our school gymnastics programs and have travelled as far as Urana, Rand and Pleasant Hills to do so. We were nominated as finalists at the Gymnastics Victoria awards night for our achievements in 2015 and in February we will head to the gala dinner again to wait patiently on the results of this years awards as we are once again finalists for 2016. 50 people joined me in taking on nail can hill in May and I hope to get 100 next year so get your walking/running shoes on. We have successfully been awarded a $1000 grant to get a new program off the ground in 2017 - so watch this space. Goele has been successful in gaining funding to do her FIG level 2 course in Canberra next year as well as a leadership workshop. Flyaway staff have attended training and development and many have increased their level of qualification in 2016 and we are now a 30 strong team who all get on fabulously well. 2016 has also been successful for our competitive programs. We had podium finishes at National 3, 5, 6 and 9 at Victorian Championships, and individual Victorian Champions at National 5 and 6. Two of our National 6 gymnasts were selected as part of the Victorian Trans Bass team and a third as non-travelling reserve. One of our National 9 gymnasts also represented Victoria atthe Border Challenge in Queensland. Birthday parties continue to be super popular and are always loads of fun for everyone involved. We have recently expanded programs to Baranduda and in the new year will be running kindergym programs from the community hall. If successful, we may expand to recreational programs and ultimately another venue. We maintain our search for a new home for our Albury gymnasts and fingers crossed there may be some good news in the new year. We've exceeded the 'facebook like' goal of 1800 and are 3 away from 1900. I know it's not that many but for gymnastics club facebook pages in Australia we are among the top 3 nationwide for activity and audience. In 2014 Flyaway had around 500 members, last year we hit 600 and as we finish off 2016, it gives me great pleasure to say that over 700 local children get to enjoy the benefit of gymnastics programs every week. The benefits for those that participate are too many to mention but the smiles, the strength and the confidence that they develop says it all. So what for 2017? Keep doing what we do, only better. Find a new Albury home, run a regional competition for lower level gymnasts, hit 2250 facebook likes, reach 800 members and keep delivering high levels of service to our schools. Have 100 people to join me in nail can and update some of our equipment in Albury. Introduce 'team gym' and increase education opportunities across our region, getting smaller clubs involved and increasing knowledge in the North East. I'd also like to get active programs for older members of our community off the ground - do all of this and everything that we normally do too and do it well. Wow 2017 promises to be even busier than this year. All that's left for me to say is thank you. Thank you to the members and their families, to the schools and the wonderful school children we teach. Thank you to the supporters of the club, ex gymnasts and local families who have seen gymnastics go from strength to strength in our community. Thank you to the squad gymnasts who spend more time with us than their families and who we adore. Thank you to my amazing team - you are my friends and my Aussie family, I love you all and without you it would not be possible; and finally to my little boy, Patrick who makes it all worthwhile. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope it is extra special. Have a fabulous break and enjoy the new year celebrations and we'll see you back in term 1 for another crazy, brilliant Flyaway year. Love Georgie 💜
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Yay! Yay! Yay! I am very excited to announce that Flyaway Gymnastics has been announced as a finalist in two categories for the upcoming Gymnastics Victoria awards night in early 2017. Following our recent application, we have been named finalist in the Inclusive Leader Club category and also Large Club of the Year 2016 (701-1000 members). It makes me brim with pride to know that the hard work that the Flyaway team does is recognised by our governing body, by our peers within Victoria and also within our community. No doubt it will be a wonderful evening regardless of the result. Fingers crossed for us everyone 💜
Flyaway Gymnastics Albury Wodonga's cover photo
Tomorrow and Saturday my amazing team, lead by Justine in my absence, will put on the 2016 junior concert - Aussie Holiday! All of our Albury based junior gymnasts will perform routines that they have been working on all term for their families and friends. It promises to be spectacular. The gym will be transformed into a performance venue, the gazebo will be put up, the BBQ lit and raffle prizes ready for someone to win. Preparing for the concert is a stressful time and there is SO much to do; even more so when the 'boss' is away. Tickets, costumes, seating, lighting, music, programs, lolly bags, cleaning - to name a few, all the while running regular programs and staying on top of the day to day stuff. I have no doubt that they have been, and will do an amazing job. The passion, hard work and commitment that my team give to Flyaway and to me is second to none and I am truly grateful. To be able to take a two month holiday to the U.K. with my son to spend Christmas with my family is a luxury that many business owners don't get, and I don't take it for granted for one moment. Words cannot express my thanks enough - to each and every one of my team. THANK YOU 💜 you are wonderful and I miss you all. I hope that all of the Flyaway families and members will get behind Justine and the team and support them at the event. I am looking forward to seeing the videos. Love from Georgie 👏👙☀️🏄🏆
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I am brimming with pride as I am able to announce that Goele Schmitz, one of Flyaway's senior coaches, has been successful in her application for a Women Leaders In Sport Grant. Goele has just been formally notified that she will receive over $2000 to cover the costs of the FIG Level 2 course in Canberra next year. In addition to receiving the grant, Goele will attend a two-day sport leadership workshop in Sydney. This is an amazing achievement for both Goele and for Flyaway and we are super excited to see what doors will open up as a result of this wonderful opportunity. Below is more info on the workshop and FIG level 2 course for those interested: 2017 WLIS Leadership Workshops The leadership workshops enable women to - develop leadership capabilities; - effectively manage the challenges within their sport and life in general; - network with like-minded women; and - seek invaluable support from the experiences and knowledge of other women. WOMEN LEADERS IN SPORT GRANT The Women Leaders in Sport (WLIS) program is an Australian Government initiative that is managed by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) in partnership with the Office for Women. The objective of the WLIS program is to provide women with development opportunities to reach their leadership potential in the sports industry. The WLIS Individual Development Grants program supports individual women to gain skills, knowledge and qualifications to progress on their leadership pathway. FIG LEVEL 2 The curriculum for each of the FIG Academy Levels includes between 8 and 10 theory lectures such as biomechanics, anatomy, psychology, planning, training theory, physiology, and sport theory. Each of these lectures has been prepared and focused to meet the specific needs of gymnastics coaches. In addition there are extensive in-gym technical sessions for all pieces of apparatus or technical requirements for each FIG Sport as well as in music and artistic preparation, choreography and physical preparation. The content of each acadmey is about one-third theory and two-thirds practical and technical lectures. The FIG Academy Program is supplemented with additional resource booklets in all of the sport sciences, technical manuals that include scientific understanding and methodology on each skill taught in each FIG Sport, and video-tapes of all skills that are presented. The Academy courses are of seven-day duration and conclude with a comprehensive theoretical and practical examination.
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Just a reminder that all members are required to re-enrol for Term 1 classes. A $25 deposit is required at the time of booking to secure your child's place in the class. Places in classes are limited so get in early to avoid disappointment.
Gymnastics Australia
Gymnastics popularity on the up!!
Flyaway Gymnastics Albury Wodonga's cover photo
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Tickets are on sale now for our Albury junior concert - Australian holiday. We have two shows - Friday 16th evening and Saturday 17th matinee. Tickets are sold on a first come first served basis. Come and watch our younger gymnasts perform some beautiful routines with an Aussie holiday theme. There will be BBQ and refreshments as always and a raffle. Don't miss out.