Canberra’s CBR 100 Challenge is on again! On March 5–6 2016, soloists & teams of 3 will tackle 25, 50 or 100km.
Are you up for the Challenge? Are you up for the Challenge? After a fantastic inaugural event in 2015, Canberra’s CBR 100 Challenge is on again! On March 5–6 2016, teams of three and soloists will take on a 100km, 50km or 25km walk along our spectacular Centenary Trail. Whether you’re super fit or just aspiring to be, set yourself a challenge and be part of this unique event. Registrations open 9 October at
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facebook.comHi all, I just wanted to let you all know that we've made the hard decision to take a year off from running the CBR100 in 2017. The first two years of the event have been great and from the inaugural event we attracted the largest number of participants in a Canberra trail event ever and we're one of Australia's biggest, a massive thanks to you all for your support! We really wanted to create an event that particularly got women out and active and was accessible for all. We're working hard on some exciting new initiatives for this event in 2018 so it’s by no means good bye. Our event schedule for 2017 here at Earlybird Events is looking really busy and personally, I'm focused on getting out on the trails more myself, swapping my time organising events to participating in them, with lots of racing planned this year and next. We just couldn't do all of that and put on the CBR100 in the way that we would want to. We will be back in contact early next year and in the meantime hopefully we will see you out on the trails! A big personal thank you to our sponsors, volunteers and all of you who have supported the event! See you in 2018. Happy adventuring! Kim
Tarawera Ultramarathon
What happens to those drop bags that you don't pick up? The crew from Javelina Jundred Endurance Run have posted an awesome video. Seriously funny! Thanks for sharing Tarawera Ultramarathon
Timeline Photos
A big shout out to all that ran the Ultra-Trail Australia today, awesome effort. High fives for Hanny Allston who took out the 50km in a smoking hot time of 5.08.15, well done Hanny!!
Preparing to Race Optimally
Here it is - Hanny's put together a fantastic podcast for you all on how to prepare to race optimally. Packed with insights from from years of racing and her observations from this years CBR100. Sit back, enjoy and start planning for 2017! FIND YOUR FEET Hanny Allston
Unfortunately we haven’t had the response needed to run tonights debrief as a face to face sessions so we have had to make the call to change the format to a podcast. We will let you know when we release the podcast. We will definitely get Hanny back to Canberra to chat all things training, even preparation, blisters when we open entries for the 2017 event. You will still have the opportunity to gain from her extensive knowledge and put in into practise for next years event.
We've currently got 8 RSVP's for Thursdays debrief. We really need 20+ to make it work. If you're planning to come along please jump online and let us know. We appreciate that it is late notice, it's an opportunity that only came up last minute with Hanny already in town but thought it was too good to pass up. A great chance to sit down with one of Australia's most experienced runners and learn from her! Blisters, nutrition, hydration, heat and training, it will all be covered.
Hanny & Graham, the owner’s of Find Your Feet, are offering all 2016 CBR100 competitors a 15% online discount that can be used anytime between now and the final day of April 2016. All you need to do is: Visit their website - Subscribe to their newsletter Tick the box that asks if you participated in the CBR100 Events Follow the prompts to complete your subscription. Your unique discount code will then be sent to your email inbox. If you are already subscribed to their newsletter, when you try to re-subscribe you will see the option to change your subscription preferences. Follow these prompts to add yourself to the 2016 CBR100 Group.
The awesome Hanny Allston will be running a casual debrief session this Thursday 17th of March to chat about what she saw out on course, strategies for walking and running an event like the CBR100, blister prevention and effective hydration and nutrition. East Hotel Kingston from 5:45pm - 7:15 pm. Please RSVP to attend by emailing by COB tomorrow (Wednesday). Also, after selling out of vest packs at the event Hanny will also have some vest packs and other gear with her from FIND YOUR FEET
Thanks Peter Komidar for this great video of the 50km. Make sure you share any videos or photos of the event, we'd love to see them.
Race Day - Misc
Congratulations to all competitors. These photos were taken around Forde CP, Mt Majura, Majura CP, Arboretum, and the top of Ainslie. Photography by Alexandra Orme Photography
Hey guys, were just collating all of the photos that the snappers took out on course and we will load them ASAP.
Timeline Photos
Don' forget to come down and grab your drop bags from race HQ as I'm not too sure I want some of them in my car. All drop bags are back and race HQ will be open until 3:00 #notpretty #stench