Wilbraham United Church
We are all in the same boat, finding answers, making a difference in our and other people's lives...and doing it with love and laughter. A mainline Christian Church, combining the best of the United Methodist and United Church of Christ traditions.
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This past Sunday, we said "Farewell and Godspeed," to Dianne Lyons, as she prepares to move to the Cape. Thank you Dianne from all of us at WUC!
Methodist High Court Rejects First Openly Gay Bishop’s Consecration
A letter from the Southern New England Conference UMC Bishop regarding the consecration of Bishop Karen Oliveto. Hold our leaders and all of us in your prayers as the UMC seeks a way forward. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Just as I landed in Dallas Friday evening for the Council of Bishops’ meeting I learned of Judicial Council Decision 1341 regarding the consecration of Bishop Karen Oliveto. It is important to say clearly that Bishop Oliveto remains in good standing and continues to be the episcopal leader of the Mountain Sky Area. The Judicial Council also suggested that an administrative or judicial process take place in the Western Jurisdiction so Bishop Oliveto’s constitutional right to fair process is fulfilled. Like many of you, I am still processing my thoughts and feelings. Much is uncertain, but there can be no doubt this is a critical time in the life of our church. Our United Methodist family is diverse: Some are wounded or angered by this decision – particularly our brothers and sisters in the LGBTQI community; others are rejoicing and feel affirmed. Some are fearful, others are simply unsure what to think. There are no winners or losers here; whatever our response, our church will need all of us and we will need each other and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we look toward a future we cannot yet see. I stand with my colleagues on the Council of Bishops in calling for us to continue to be in prayer and to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us now. The work of the Commission on a Way Forward is under way; we can, I think, be hopeful that if we rely on the Holy Spirit, what will emerge will be what God intends for us. Now we, as Easter people who believe in resurrection, have our work to do. We may not know what comes next, but our calling is as clear as it has ever been. We are here to share the Good News of God’s gift of new life and amazing love. We are here to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in a world that is longing for freedom, justice, compassion, and mercy. Please join me in praying for all those who are hurting or fearful in the wake of this decision. Remember, we are united in Christ, and the common ground we share as disciples of Jesus Christ remains firm even now as we pray for guidance and for our beloved church. Beloved Church, it is my hope and prayer that we remain steadfast in prayers and hope that the Commission on a Way Forward will continue its work faithfully so that the special session of the General Conference in 2019 will bring fresh winds of the Holy Spirit to our church so that we can become serious about doing what God is calling us to do as disciples of Jesus Christ. In Christ’s love, Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
A great Mother's Day gift! Buy a blanket for someone in need! For only 10 dollars, you can give a blanket that can provide warmth and shelter, comfort and privacy, and healing and hope wherever God’s people may need care. These blankets might be the best gift you ever give and you can change a life all at the same time. We will have gift cards available to honor your special mother.
The 4 Types of Nones
Perspective | His murder was put on Facebook. But his family’s message of forgiveness could be his legacy.
Please read this!@
Silver Lake Welcome
Hey Parents! It's time to plan for summer fun for the kids! Silver Lake Conference Center in Sharon, CT, part of the CT Conference of the UCC, offers FABULOUS programs for children and youth!
Easter Sunday, April 16: Meet at 6:00 a.m. at the corner of Burleigh Road and North Road in Hampden for a Sunrise Service on Easter morning. 10:00 a.m. Easter Festival Service will be held at Wilbraham United Church to celebrate the Good News of the resurrection. Following the service, children are invited to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and everyone is invited to a special Fellowship/Coffee Hour.
The Thrift Shop at WUC will be CLOSED Easter weekend (Good Friday & Holy Saturday, April 14 & 15). We wil reopen on Friday, April 21 at 9:30 AM with lots & lots of new stuff!
HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT WILBRAHAM UNITED CHURCH Everyone is welcome to attend the worship services and activities at Wilbraham United Church, 500 Main St., during Holy Week: Sunday, April 9, 10:00 a.m.: Palm and Passion Sunday. Listen to and reflect upon the voices of the people who were there in Jesus’ last days. Thursday, April 13: A light Seder Supper at 6:00 p.m. will precede the Maundy Thursday Tenebrae worship service with Communion at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 14, 12:00 noon: A Good Friday service will include prayer, song, and reflection upon Jesus’ last hours. Easter Sunday, April 16: Meet at 6:00 a.m. at the corner of Burleigh Road and North Road in Hampden for a Sunrise Service on Easter morning. Later, an Easter Festival Service will be held at Wilbraham United Church at 10:00 a.m., celebrating the Good News of the resurrection. Following the service, children are invited to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt. Please call the church office at 596-2511 x100 with any questions.