Blue Jean Church
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PO Box 1606
Selma, AL 36702
A joyful, diverse community of believers who are unified by our faith, love, and passion for Jesus. Praise, Worship and Breakfast!
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Wonderful Resurrection Sunday with 19 Baptisms this morning.
Boy are we rollin' at BJS! The grace & favor of God has really been on our BJS fam, don't you think?! We've only been in our new church building 2 months & we've gotten 6 adult Sunday School classes going, set up & started a smoking' children's department, gotten the Youth Program in high gear, have 5 small groups going on Wednesday nights, had our first wedding, gotten the Isaiah 61 group & Living Room groups rolling, started an intercessor group for BJS, & are ready to set up the Baptism Boutique! Whew. BJS is a happening place for the kingdom! Thank you Jesus & all the people who have helped make it all happen. Sunday should be another great time at BJS. Dane Shaw will be preaching & y'all know.....he's always got a great word. Also, get ready for Easter Sunday on April 16, 2017. We've got something special planned. With it being resurrection Sunday and all, we thought it would be a great time to do baptisms for anyone who wants to get baptized. The message will be shorter. We'll let the baptisms be the main sermon! Should be an epic Easter Sunday service! Can't wait. That's all I got y'all. Hope y'all have a great weekend. See you in the morning at BJS! Ler y'all! Copyright
Worship Nite Y'all!!! Just a quick reminder!!!! We have worship nite tomorrow (Wednesday) @ 7:15 pm. We'll worship w/ our new friends from App State & have the opportunity to love up on God & them. Nursery is provided. Y'all come!!!!
Daylight Savings Time & Baptism.. Hope you're having a swell week. DON'T FORGET ITS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. That means setting your clock ahead 1 hour!. This week I feel like the Holy Spirit slowed me down a minute on actually having baptisms. I usually have a bad case of the can't hardlies (i.e. I can't hardly wait to do something :)) But I am really seeing how special the Lord wants our first baptisms to be. And so, we'll do some teaching on the importance of baptism this Sunday, but we won't actually baptize anyone yet. I think the Lord wants to give more people a chance to make a decision to get baptized & then we'll do it in a few weeks. I believe His glory will be there if we are prepared for this awesome sacrament! We had a great time w/ the folks from UGA Wesley. We worked'eM pretty hard & they did an amazing job. They also blessed BJ w/ a donation of $1,160! Those are some amazing young peeps!. We will be hosting another group from Appilacian State University's Wesley Foundation this week, so y'all just do you & love up on'em like you always do! WE WILL HAVE WEDNESDAY NITE WORSHIP AT BJ THIS COMING WED AT 7:00 PM AFTER SMALL GROUPS. WE'LL WORSHIP W/ OUR FRIENDS FROM APP STATE! SHOULD BE FUN! We're getting some peeps together to form an intercessors team. Anyone interested in being an intercessor, let me know. Whew. That's all I got. See y'all Sunday @ BJ! Ler y'all! Copyright © 2017 Blue Jean Selma, All rights reserved. Thanks for signing up! Our mailing address is: Blue Jean Selma 1209 Selma Avenue Selma, AL 36701 Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp
Worship Nite w/ UGA Wesley Family The UGA Wesley Team will be wrapping up their stay in Selmatown this coming Wednesday nite @ Blue Jean. They have worked on the "den" (basement ) at Blue Jean & have done us a great service. They have also done some cool things to experience life in Selma. They are a fantastic group of peeps w/ such a servant's heart. Sooooooo, we are going to have an impromptu Worship Nite this coming Wednesday nite after small groups at 7:15 pm. We'll worship to a some songs, hear some of the UGA team's testimonies on their experience & week here in Selma, & pray for our new friends. The entire Blue Jean family is invited to come & show our new UGA friends some LOVE! Hope to see y'all there!
Hope y'all are having a swell week. Last week worship went to a new level. Isn't our band bad to the bone?! Move over comes the Blue Jean Band! Can't wait to hear'ed this Sunday. Yours truly will be speaking this week. I'll be "dewierdifying" Jesus' ministry of deliverance & setting captives free. I feel like the Holy Spirit wants to serve this up, so here we go! BJ haps................ If it gets any better at BJ, I'm not gonna be able to stand it, but get ready for even more fun God stuff. 1st, on Sunday 3-12-17, we are planning on having BAPTISM SUNDAY!!!! In our baptismal pool...not the river! Woooohoooo!There have been several people who have voiced a desire to be baptized & so we're gonna do it that Sunday. Should be special. Bring your floaties & son tan lotion!!!!! :) Also, if we can get the kitchen ready by the March 12th, we are planning on celebrating Baptism Sunday w/ our 1st breakfast in "The Den" (the new name for the basement) :) If we can't get it worked out, we'll do the breakfast the 1st Sunday everything is ready. Hoping & believing we'll be able to pull it off for the 12th though. If you want to be on a cooking team, talk to Ed McCurdy. He is coordinating cooking teams. Fun fun fun! Speaking of cooking teams. Blue Jean won the Chili Cookoff last year! Yes we did! And it is coming up in March. The Chili Cookoff is the most fun event of the year in Selma. The entire community comes out, eats some awesome chili, & plays & has fun TOGETHER! Great stuff for good ole Selmatown! If anybody is interested in being on a BJ cooking team, let me know. Whew. Lots happening. That's all I got. Have a great weekend & we'll see y'all at the chilly on Sunday! Ler all y'all! Copyright © 2017 Blue Jean Selma, All rights reserved. Thanks for signing up! Bob
Don't Forget....Bethel is really coming, y'all! Yowdie sons & daughters, Hope y'all are having a swell week. Just wanted to remind everyone that Bethel Atlanta will be here this Saturday & Sunday!!! You don't want to miss out on getting some! Here's the schedule: Saturday morning 9:30-11:30 - prophetic prayer ministry Saturday afternoon 2:00-4:00 - prayer walking, healing prayer in the community Saturday night 7:00-9:00 - worship service led by Bethel, more prophetic prayer ministry opportunities (nursery provided) Sunday morning @ BJ - prayer ministry after BJ Whew....lots of opps to connect w/ the Holy Spirit this weekend. You don't want to miss out on this anointed time w/ our friends from Bethel! Also...Mark Watters will be strapping it on at BJ this Sunday. Always fun & rocking when Cardinal Mark throws down. Don't forget to plug into one of our smoking' new Sunday small groups that meet @ 10:00 Sunday morning at BJS! We've got lots of great options for spiritual growth & fun. Ask me about them & I can point you in the right direction. And finally....isn't our new home amazing! I love it. Feels so right to be there. Praise & thanks to God for giving it to us!
Blue Jean Church
What a Crib!!!!! Yowdie sons & daughters, Last week at BJ was epic! BJ's new crib is da bomb! For real. So pretty, so big, & best of has ore than 1 bathroom! :) Thank you Lord for your goodness & faithfulness to us! Last week the focus was moving in to our new home, hosting the Glory of God, & worshipping our triune God with thankful undivided hearts. This week we'll have a different focus. It's all about settling in to our new crib !!!! We have an incredible line up of small groups planned for Sunday morning after breakfast. Here's the plan: Worship will wrap up around 9:30 & we'll break for breakfast in the "gathering room". During the breakfast time, the small group leaders will be in the gathering room to tell you about their groups & encourage you to come check them out. Here's the line up: 1. A Young Adult Group (30s & 40s) - Rick Williams is the leader. 2. Intern Group - Bob will lead it 3. A Simple Gospel Group for the new Christian - Angie Averette & Charles & Liz Heald will lead it. 4. Dane's Old Group - Sarah Waggoner will lead it 5. Walking in the Spirit Group - Mark Watters & Alec Martin will lead it 6. Dan Taylor's Group - Dan Taylor will continue to lead it 7. Bible History 101 Group - John Schmidt will lead it 8. The youth (6th grade on up) will meet w/ Owen & Ashley Peak & Nesbert & Kelli Vaval. 9. 2nd Grade to 5th Grade will meet. Still looking for a leader! :) 10. 4 year old through 1st grade - Averee Hicks & Ann Armstrong will teach the month of February 11. 3 year old & under - in the nursery WOW! WHAT A LINE UP, HUH? Having ur new home has given us a platform to offer so much more spiritual food to all of our incredible sons & daughters! :) Also....ANOTHER CHANGE!!!! All children 5 years old & under can go to the nursery during worship. All other kids will stay in worship. We've gotten some cool kids' bags w/ fun stuff in it to help keep the little ones occupied during the "slower" times during our worship service. BJ haps............... Valentine Vacation!!!!!! Next Sunday, 2-12-17 from 3:00-5:00, Jenni Grace & Katheryn Dismukes will be throwing a Valentine Party for all the BJ kiddos. There will be ice cream, pizza, sundaes, & lots of fun for the kiddies. It's also a great time for the mama's & dad's to get a break, play tennis, take a nap, go hunting, read a book, or what ever. Thanks to Genni & Kathryn for coming up w/ such a cool way to bless the BJ mama's & dad's! RSVP @ Don't forget! Tomorrow morning at Crosspoint. Ms. Annie is hosting a time of prayer, worship, & unity in the Spirit. It starts at 10:00 am. Anything Ms. Annie plans is always full of the Holy Ghost! So come get tanked up. Whew! That's all I got y'all. So much fun & good going on w/ the BJ fan! Have a great weekend. See you at the CRIB Sunday morning! Love all y'all!
Photos from Blue Jean Church's post
It was a glorious day !