My FitLife Personal Training & 24/7 Fitness- Louisville
Personal & Group Training
My FitLife Personal Training is committed to delivering you the best in one-on-one personal training through a safe, friendly and supportive environment.
We are passionate and care about giving you the best possible experience, which at the end of the day is the transformation you have always dreamed of. All our personal trainers work with their clients to put them through a personalized results driven program. Each workout is designed specifically for an individual based on the education, research and hands-on experience giving you the greatest benefit. Since the human body is extremely intelligent, it is important to work with its physiology, not against it.
Losing weight is not about working out so hard you nearly pass out, instead it is about working out smarter to enable your body to burn fat outside of your workouts. At My FitLife Personal Training, we specialize in helping you sky-rocket your metabolism giving you the transformation you have always wanted.
Our staff is highly experience, degreed, and certified!
To learn more about our one-on-one personal training, sports performance, or group training- please call (330) 880-3745 or message us today. We look forward to seeing you!
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