First Christian Church of Selma California
On this page you can find the current events and news for First Christian Church of Selma California
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facebook.comHere is the link to the video of the sermon from today's service.
I wanted to post some updates about the state of our website and things linked to it. Over the next week to ten days the site and any corresponding links may appear to not work. Please do not be worried. The site is changing locations. We will still be keeping the same address but after the 16th of July the site will have a different look and hopefully better functionality. If there are any questions, comments or suggestions for the new site please either leave them here or email me directly at Thanks, Jason Torosian
The video of today's sermon can be viewed on our You Tube page. The video will also be up on our website in a few minutes. I have included a link in the description of the video that shows the song talked about in the sermon.
It is Freedom and Democracy Sunday! A glorious day to worship our God, whose blessings fall upon us daily. All are welcome to join us this morning for worship at 10:30 am at First Christian Church in Selma. Today's message is titled "Freedom."
The new Summer hours are as follows; Monday through Thursday 9 am to Noon. The church office will be closed on July 3rd and 4th.
“Out To Lunch Bunch!” The “OTLB” loves the fellowship of good friends and good food! Join them at 11:30 AM on Thursday, July 6 at Selma Waffle (2432 McCall Ave., Selma) and July 20 at Diane’s Village Cafe (1332 Draper, Kingsburg). April Langstraat will be making reservations, so please call her early
Hector’s Garden Party One of the things I enjoy most doing is working in my backyard, particularly gardening. On a good day, I can spend hours out there. What drives me in that tedious and laborious work is the desired result. Fresh fruit and vegetables for my family and I is a huge motivator. Sometimes I plant from seed, and other times I transplant. Planting and watering come easy to me. It’s the weed control that gets me. It is a constant battle with those guys. And because I have chosen to do it without pesticides and chemicals it makes it twice as hard. Gardening teaches me a lot about life and ministry. Sometimes I feel like a gardener in youth ministry. I hope I am sowing seeds in the youths’ hearts and minds that will be cultivated and grow now and later in life as it was done for me. I remember when I was a child, my uncles use to take me to church, and those lessons I got in church helped shape and form who I am today. When I found myself in trouble, I knew who to call on and where I could get help: God & the church. This is my hope and prayer for our youth, that as they come to youth group and church, we are sowing seeds of hope, love, and Jesus Christ that will take root and begin to flourish both now and later. Hector
School’s out! But learning continues. I’ve been thinking about learning lately, and about who I learn from. You might be surprised. Alicia likes to play with items I have in my office, especially a wooden puzzle, a marionette, and my Jesus doll. While looking through a basket of small percussion instruments, I mentioned that some had two names on them, which I thought were the names of a bride and groom. “Oh no, Pastor. That’s a company name,” said Alicia. “Really? I would never have known that.” So we Googled the company, and I learned all about the toys and instruments they make. It was so good to learn a new thing, and even better that my teacher has just finished 3rd grade. I happened to mention one day that, although I love to listen to a classical radio station, I tend to turn off the Saturday morning opera program. Christian immediately made a sad face. He is, after all, an opera singer. So I started paying more attention. I noticed Christian always speaks of his voice as an instrument. Then I started listening to opera differently. Instead of being frustrated because I can’t understand the words, I listened to the voices as if they were instruments in a symphony. Suddenly a whole new world opened up for me. Opera became enjoyable. Christian didn’t set out to school me, but he did, and he did an excellent job of it. It matters not who we learn from, only that we are willing to learn. So keep learning “…for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.” (Proverbs 8:11) Pastor Maria
FCC youth would like to do some summer service projects. They are interested in helping church/community member on various projects at least once a month for the summer (July - August). Please contact Cindy Hernandez directly at if anyone is interested in having the youth serve.
Community UCC in Fresno is inviting your church and several others to join us for our All Church Family Camp at Camp Tamarack near Shaver Lake. We were lucky to have been able to reserve Labor Day weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning for this enriching experience in God’s enchanting forest. Questions? Contact Annie Van Patten, Family Camp Director 209-902-2033
“Fun Maker Factory” July 17-21 @ 6:00 PM At New Day Church Five area churches are working together to teach children that Churches cooperate to share God’s love. We have registration sheets in the entry of the church or you can sign-up on the first night. This year’s daily evening offering will go to The Boys and Girls Club in Selma.
Several members from First Christian Church, Selma will be traveling to the General Assembly. Christian Cabral, Jessica Williams, and Jordan Williams will be driving to this event, while Pastor Maria Tafoya will be flying. Please continue to pray for safe travel for all attending this upcoming General Assembly.