Greece Odyssey
Serving Greece Central students in grades 6-12.
Principal: Dr. Jeffrey M. Green Lowest grade taught: 6th Grade - Highest grade taught: 12th Grade
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Our 5th Grade Go 6th Grade visits this week were a success as we showed students what #LeopardPride is all about Greece Central
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Walk for Water on 5/26. Bracelets for sale $3.
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Our 5th Grade Go 6th Grade visits this week were a success as we showed students what #LeopardPride is all about Greece Central
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The Dynamic Duo heads to RBTL NYC Bound Competition Thurs. Vote for your Favorite: Text SOT46 to 75327 for Alec & SOT32 to 75327 for Matthew
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#WalkForWater #LeopardPride
Grades 6-12: YEA Rochester Application & Nomination Form 2017-2018.
YEA Rochester Application & Nomination Form 2017-2018. Deadline to apply is 9/15/2017.
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YEA Rochester Application & Nomination Form 2017-2018.
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For the same price of a frozen hot chocolate you can support clean water for South Sudan. The walk is this Friday! #LeopardPride
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Don't forget!! Buy your stylish purple bracelet for the walk for water by this Friday for 3 dollars in the cafeteria.
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The staff that pedals together, helps students succeed together #OdysseyFunClub #LeopardPride Greece Central
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Odyssey Updates 2017-05-22