Elite Repeatz Boutique
New/preowned fashion & accessories, Vintage items, trash to treasure furniture & décor, gifts, & more. Follow us on Twitter (@eliterepeatz) & Instagram!
We are a variety boutique with new & gently pre-owned name brand/designer items. Fashions, handbags, jewelry & accessories, gifts, handcrafted items, home décor, small furniture, natural health & beauty items~~including essential oils and goats milk soaps & lotions, a small selection of health foods~~ & many more items coming soon. Check out our new retail boutique selections and boutique overstock & closeout items!
For anyone who loves to go treasure hunting! We are located just off 5th street right next to Madeline's Café & Bakery, on the west side of the street. Look for our signature Tiffany Blue door in the window!
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