Bridge of Grace Church
Proclaiming how Awesome Jesus really is in every way and every day! What we value!
Big-hearted giving:---------God gives to me so I can give to others!
Redemptive Relationships----People are valuable to God!
Incarnational living:-------- God uses people to change lives
Discovering New Life:-------God offers us a life of Joy!
Gracious Favor:------------God’s goodness exceeds expectations!
Empowered Fullness:--------Live life like a butterfly not worm!
Serving passionately:------- We live to tell others about Jesus!
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facebook.comIts Edu-tainment! Both valuable to learning (education) and valuable to having fun(entertainment)! It's VBS! We invite you to bring your kids to 1 day, 2 days even all 5 days of high energy fun! Hope to see you there!
July 31st - Aug. 4th 6pm-8pm each night! 2 high energy hours of fun, singing, dancing, crafting, gaming, story timing and snacking! Great entertainment, education, and simply a loving environment for your kids to enjoy!
Ok, its time to get serious! We will be sending out reminders everyday about our VBS event for kids! This is so good for the kiddos and so important! Hope to see you a week from monday! July 31-Aug. 4th! 6-8pm 34888 Kable Ave. North Branch MN
Signs will be up this weekend! Keep your doing yes open! Hope to see you at V...B...S!!!!
Help! Come keep these girls busy! Pastor Scott is in trouble! 😁. North Branch, County Market Brat stand! Here till 6pm!
Join us for learning what we should aim for as a people who call on God to save us, lead us, and send us into a world that needs hope, love, encouragement and truth! It all starts tomorrow at 10am! Time to pursue resurrection life!
Join us for Lunch at the North Branch, County Market Brat stand! Here until 6pm! Lunch and dinner! Support a great cause!
Save the save date! Coming soon! Your kids will not want to miss this years Vacation Bible School! Pass it on, prepare to bring all your friends!!!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: This Sunday marks the official first Sunday for Bridge of Grace church in our new location. Come grow with us, we are unpacking a fresh new vision for living life. To live with hope, and the power of God's love, grace and truth in your life! Take the time this weekend to worship an amazing God, and experience a little taste of grace that can set you free to live life well! See you at 10am!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Following the Church service! Just a reminder that we will be having a buisness/ VBS/ Vision meeting tomorrow! It will start at 11:15-11:30 and last about an hour to an hour and a half. It was decided that each family will be on their own for food. The goal is to get the meeting done, and done quickly, seeing how some of you will have plans on Sunday afternoon!