The Gardener's Gate is the Tri-Cities premier florist offering Teleflora and 1-800Flowers designs and one-of-a-kind original creations with a garden flair. Become a fan and receive 20% off local order. Just let us know you are our fan on facebook.
Empowering City of Hopewell youth to live their lives driven by purpose, fueled by creativity and innovation, and awakened by passion
First Baptist Church WEE School in Hopewell, VA is a half-day Christian preschool program for three- and four-year-old children in the tri-city area.
Here's What we are about: REACHING Out to ALL, in FAITH and LOVE! SHARING the Good News of JESUS CHRIST! SERVING JOYFULLY!!!
Connecting in Christ Growing in Faith Serving in Love Making Disciples of Jesus Christ!
The Hopewell Farmers Market runs every Saturday 2pm-5pm in the heart of downtown Hopewell in the grass lot behind the Hopewell Library;May-Oct & one in Nov
Shining the light of Christ locally, nationally, and to the ends of the world. There are greater things yet to be done.
We have EVERYTHING in the store from medicine, toys, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, face cream, and a lot more item that are miscellaneous.
Delicious and affordable: At Sushi Y, we’re serving the best of both worlds.
i target big blue catfish in the jamesriver
Best haircuts around town!!!
Covering Hopewell and Prince George. Add us to your notifications to get breaking news. To subscribe, call 804-458-8511. On Twitter at @HopewellNews.
Email Joana with any questions at
This Club is dedicated to the Notre Dame Family: Alumni, current students, Parents and anyone who shares a love for the University of the Notre Dame and what it stands for. The club is a 501(c)(3) organization supporting the UND Scholarship Fund.
Landmark Restaurant and Out Door Patio in Hopewell , Famous for Chicken and Taters
The Cool and casual place to learn music. Our highly trained instructors are here to help you. Instrument rentals, comfortable
JRD Tech provides computer service for small business and residential clients.
UALR is a metropolitan university that provides a dynamic learning environment in Arkansas's thriving capital city.
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Locations in Midtown Savannah and Pooler Marketplace!
Our philosophy has always been to offer the highest quality coffee at a value price.
The Senate Republican Conference is the formal organization of Republican members of the U.S. Senate. This account is managed