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Christian Life Church

4 Manor Lane, Shipley, United Kingdom
Church/religious organization



CLC is a church in Shipley, West Yorkshire. We believe that life is for living and that the best way to live it is His way!


Timeline Photos

- DIMENSIONS OF LIFE - SAT 29 OCT - Less than 2 weeks to go - we're so excited to have Paul share at his 'Dimensions of Life' Day Conference! Come see life in new, exciting ways. Receive insight, crystal clear vision, and learn how to breakthrough into new ways of living - DON'T MISS OUT! To book, or for more info, just email Anne at:

Timeline Photos


Have you ever asked somebody for directions? The first step is to realise or admit we're lost in the first place... then we find the person we think looks the 'safest bet' to guide us... THEN... we have to be able to follow their directions! Adam explores how sometimes in life we're not just physically lost; we've all felt a bit lost before. Here's how you can be found, or become a more helpful direction giver.


Most people love to celebrate. Birthdays, exam success, anniversaries & weddings... but what do you think heaven celebrates? What do you think really starts the party for our Father? Adam shares a fantastic word all about how we can enjoy those moments that Jesus enjoys even more.

Commitment comes from Covenant pt 2

What does showing commitment look like? Is it being there for X amount of years? Is it being in the same place enough times, on time? Are you more committed to a church, or to Jesus, if you attend every meeting, or if you don't? Maybe it is less to do with the outside stuff, and more to do with our internal love for one another... Adam shares part 2 of Commitment and Covenant.

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Joy is a fantastic, intense emotion. We're all looking for happiness in the end, right? Maybe there's a way we could know an internal joy that's completely independent of our external lives. Adam shares about how it's already available to you, just maybe not how you think...

The Power Of Apology

They say 'sorry' seems to be the hardest word, but it's actually really easy when you don't mean it! Do we apologise for our sake our for the other persons? We've been talking about forgiveness in the past month. Now Anca expands the other side; love, reconciliation and restoration are all found in the word 'sorry'.

The Times

We look everywhere for signs to tell us where we're going in the world. Where is the future heading? What are we meant to be doing as an individual, as a family, as a nation? Paul shares exactly what we need to know about the future, and exactly what we're meant to be doing now.

Commitment comes from Covenant

What if there was somebody who loved you no matter what? What if they were faithful to you through thick and thin; your highest and lowest moments of life, completely independent of how you treat them? Commitment is tough, but maybe it's important for our character. Adam shares the heart behind the ones who invented it.

Forgiveness Pt2

Ever played pain pong? Blame and revenge goes back and forth and doesn't seem to stop until everyone is hurting. Learning how to forgive is one of the most important life lessons we can ever learn. Adam follows Anca's teaching on forgiveness with a powerful second half. Today could be the day that you're free from your pain.

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"YOU have the solution to your pain." A University Lecturer gave his students a task; for every time somebody upset them, they had to add a peach to a cardboard box they carried with them. We join Anca as she shares her personal journey with forgiveness, and what happens when we let peaches build up in our boxes. (Due to a recording issue we join a few seconds into the story)
