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Stanley Bowling Club

The Square, Stanley, Perth, United Kingdom
Sports Club



Small bowling club located in Stanley


Taking place in the club this Friday, for all you bingo players. All for a good cause.

Calling all Stanley Lady Bowlers - There will be a meeting in the club on Tuesday 20th February at 7pm to discuss this year's activites. Please all try to make this. Also, the Ladies League AGM will be held in the club on Sunday 25th Feb at 2pm. Anyone interested in attending is more than welcome.

Members are advised that, as agreed at the AGM, fees are now due by 1st March. These can be paid any Tuesday night at the club, or contact Steve Lennon. Thank you

Just in case anybody is forgetting.....Committee Meeting today at 1.30pm

Note for all Committee Members - There will be a committee meeting on Sunday 4th Feb at 1.30pm, in the club.

Join us on Hogmanay and bring in the New Year. Party games, music and stovies for supper. All welcome. 7.30 til 12.30

Christmas Opening - Boxing Day from 7pm Hogmanay from 7pm Lottery draw will take place on Boxing Day at 7pm, and then again on Tuesday 2nd Jan. If you are not not joining us over the festive period, we would like to this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all in 2018!

Remember it's Christmas Bingo Tea time on Friday. Eyes down at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Your committee 2017/2018 is - President - Lindsay Myles Vice President - Ricky Grant Treasurer - Steve Lennon Secretary - Helene McDonald Match Secretary - Lee Clark Committee - George Lennon, David Myles, Heather Lennon, Susan Myles and Kevin Graham

Things to look forward to in December - Friday 8th December - Xmas Bingo Tea. Eyes down 7.30pm Boxing Day - The club will open from 7pm. Fun Games Night, with nibbles. All welcome. Hogmanay - The bar will be open from 7pm. Stovies for supper!

It's AGM Day....see you all at 1pm. No excuses; the heating is on!

It's AGM time! Ladies AGM is on Tuesday 7th Nov at 7pm The main AGM is on Sunday 26th Nov at 1pm. There is an EGM prior to the meeting to discuss a change to the constitution....details are posted in the club. A good attendance for all of the above is very's your club, get involved.


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