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Bletchley College, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Personal Trainer



What motivates you? For me, my clients success is all the motivation I need to carry on doing what I love!
CF_ElitePerformance is here to keep you up to date with all the nutrition and training info, tips and guidance to help you reach those goals! CF_ElitePerformance,

Marq Cravo. Founder of CF_ElitePerformance here specialising in life-changing transformations. I started CravoFitness in 2013 after having seen so many ‘special diets’ and deciding enough was enough with these fad diets. Advertising that they’re healthy, good for you etc, etc. I wanted to give clients something they feel a part of, something they wanted to brag about, and something they  enjoy! I value my clients. I love helping people and making sure that they do things the correct and healthy way! Seeing them get results and change their lives is the most important thing to me and CravoFitness.

I have always taken an interest to nutrition and training ever since I saw pictures of my role model, Frank Zane when I was 6 years old. The ambition to learn more still continues. I completed my Level 3 REPS personal training qualification in 2013. This included a range of qualifications from, nutrition periodisation, advanced anatomy and physiology and personal training. Although certificates are of course important however they’re not everything! Anyone could get qualification, however not everyone has the will and determination to help and see their clients get the results they well and truly deserve. I like to challenge my clients, make training and dieting enjoyable with getting the results and of course brining the satisfaction to my clients!

When it comes to dieting, people are put off from the term ‘diet’. A diet is a short term change which is unsustainable in order to reach a short term goal. My aim is to provide my clients with the knowledge, understanding and will power to make a life style change which allows them to transform themselves in a way which is sustainable and will last a lifetime. I have trained and researched, using the method ‘trial and error’ with various diet and training principles. My love for the fitness industry runs deep, however no fad diet and no fad supplement can replace the base principle of a measured approach to nutrition and training. I love the fitness industry and helping others, simple. Whilst I’m constantly educating myself about the body, its reaction to various training methods, nutrition and more, I aim to give my clients both, on and offline get the best help and knowledge possible. I try to advocate that, practice what I preach and lead by example.

The bottom line is, if the person leading you doesn’t want it as much as you do, how are they able to pull you through and inspire you to get where you want to be? I am here everyday to make sure you’re staying on track through to the finish line.


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