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Blush Boutique

8 Keith street, Kincardine, United Kingdom
Nail Salon



Hairdressing services, Makeup services, Nail services and beauty services within.  


Spring Deals 🌹 🌸 available this month and thru to April call 01259730123 or pm page to book ❤️💄💇 💅

Today Is International woman's day. ❤️ Here's to all our lovely ladies within the salon 💄💇❤️ #womansday2018👸👧👱🙆🙇🙅💪 #GirlBosses

Thursday: Kristine morning & Afternoon Pauline 12, 1 & 3 Amy fully booked Friday : Pauline 11, 12 & 2 Kristine morning & afternoon SARAH morning & afternoon Saturday: Kristine 10 Pauline 10.45 & 12 To book or enquire please pm or call the salon on 01259 730123, thanks xx

YES WE DO! don't forget to show your student card when paying! ❤️ ❤️ #StudentDiscounts #AntiBullying

💇🏼 Appointments available this week ladies 💆🏻 Tuesday : Emma various times Caroline various times Pauline 4.30 & 6.45 Wednesday : Kristine & Caroline Thursday: Kristine morning & Afternoon Pauline 12, 1 & 3 Amy fully booked Friday : Pauline 11, 12 & 2 Kristine morning & afternoon Sarah morning & afternoon Saturday : Kristine 9, 10 & 12 Pauline 10.45 & 12 To book or enquire please pm or call the salon on 01259 730123, thanks xx

Dementia uk We're popping the kettle on to support dementia uk's specialist nurses! All were asking is that you pop in for a cuppa with us a little catch up and you can purchase a little cake or biscuit or simply make a donation on the day and help us to raise money! ❤️ we're also looking for baking donations of any sort ❤️🎂 There IS ALSO a competition for best Cake or cakes 🎂 prize for winner and its £1 to enter the comp! £1 facepainting for kids Pin the cake on the stand game 25p, to play And 50p to guess the sweets in the jar ❤️

Please let us know if your keeping tomorrow appointments you can pm us or text 07736398153 or leave a message as the salon is now closed for today 01259730123 #SafteyFirst

Huge happy birthday to our lovely facial athescian SARAH! Hope u had an awesome day and were spoiled love from all the team ❤️🎉

💆🏻 Appointments available this week ladies 💇🏼 Tuesday: Emma ( Hair & nails ) Wednesday: Kristine ( Hair & make up ) Thursday : Kristine afternoon Pauline ( Hair & Nails) morning Amy ( chiropodist ) 4.30, 6.45 & 7.30 Friday: Pauline morning, 1 & 2 Kristine morning & afternoon Sarah ( dermarazor ) 10, 11 & 12 Saturday: Kristine morning & afternoon Beth ( beauty therapist ) Morning To book or enquire please pm or call the salon on 01259 730123, thanks xx

Great new treatment by Sarah now available and for a special price of £20 this Friday and next Friday. Pm to book or enquire about this treatment.

Happy Monday all ✨😊 To start of the week Emma has some special offers for tomorrow 😆 Gel manicure £15 Acrylics £20 Cut and blowdry £20 Blowdry £10 10% discount on all colouring techniques To make and appointment phone the salon or pm us on the page 💕 Enjoy the rest of your week ✨


NEAR Blush Boutique