Artist & Photo-Artist : Clive Richards
Hi folks you will soon be seeing my new style of Artwork called "Inspirational Speed Art" & website. Hope you'll like, share & make comments. Please enjoy.
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facebook.comWhat is life if full of care, If we make no time to stare ???????????
I Love Jesus
Native Americans Cherokee
Made with #PicsArt
My new Genr'e of Artwork, I think? Made with #PicsArt
Timeline Photos
I've recently been pondering on what has given me the most lasting memories and stressless joy and have decided that nature wins hands-down. I've selected my favourite place and moment. I hope that you'll get as much joy and oneness as I did. This photograph is of a relaxing warm summers day waterside picnic on a small row boat moored beneath a Weeping Willow Tree with its overhanging branches giving the welcomed shelter from the hot sun and perhaps the occasional onlooker. The champagne is attached by a cord dangling and chilling in the cooling water. You'll be asking yourself > Where are the/is the picknicker/s ??? They're "YOU" and with anyone you wish them to be or maybe you'd prefer to be be on your own with your thoughts or in a peaceful state of tranquillity and harmony with just one of "God Creations" !!! The music playing very quietly , calming and relaxing. You might want to know the exact location !? Alas this is a piece of Heaven God showed me in Scotland !!! Perhaps he will show you your perfect Haven !!! I hope that everyone will eventually find their personal little bit of Heaven on Earth. "Seek and you will find"
@clive-richards-5832's photo
Sunset @ Burghead Beach. by: (Clive) Website : Email: Made with #PicsArt
Artist & Photo-Artist : Clive Richards's cover photo
Timeline Photos
Dufftown woods in the Autumn 2013 by >
Photos from Artist & Photo-Artist : Clive Richards's post
Some of my Artwork & Photo-Art from recent years > The majority is my own work ! But some pistes mean so much to me I thought you'd like to see/read them also. Thank you and Regards : Clive.👌
@raymondrichards's photo
The incredibly beautiful Highland Skies of Scotland by: Clive of > God is our master Artist and Saviour. Made with #PicsArt