Anti-stress massage Halifax
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Grab our offer for January Tuesday or a Friday...full body deep massage £20, usually £30 or neck & back £14, usually £18
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Marry Christmas and lovely tim with yours family!!
BACK AND NECK MASSAGE It is a combination of several manual massage techniques, further enriched with a mixture of essential oils that significantly reduce pain and successfully remove accumulated tension. Stimulates the microcirculation and relaxing back and neck muscles, relieves stress and strongly affects the relaxation of blockages in the body. The perfect choice after a hard day of work or after a very stressful event LEG MASSAGE One of the best ways of relieving leg pain is by getting a leg massageg A leg massage will allow the leg muscles to relax and heala This is especially important after exercise or in jobs that involve a lot of standing or walkingn Massage warms and stretches the contracted muscles and allows them to relax, thereby easing and preventing further paini Leg massage also stimulates the blood supply to the muscles and makes them strongn It can also help prevent the formation of cellulite on the thighsh. All our massage we do with mix of essential oil, but leg massage we finis with horse chestnuts tincture. This message are not recommended for personal with varicose veins. FULL BODY MASSAGE It is combination of deep tissue and Swedish massage,enriched with essential oil. Best way of relaxation wich increase circulation of blood and lymph, for relief of pain, improved mood, improved sleep and sharper thinking. Choose massage for chronic pain that is muscular in origin, to improve posture and range of motion. Every treatment is specifically modified from a client to a client of their needs and pain threshold. EAR CANDLE TREATMENT therapy designed to help treat conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat. It is a technique that involves placing a hollow, cone-shaped tube (or ‘candle’) made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs into the ear canal in order to stimulate the ear and facilitate the removal of excess wax and impurities. Ear candle treatment varies according to the shape and size of the candles, as well as the ingredients impregnated into the lining, but all are considered to have the same benefits – particularly for conditions such as sinus problems, compacted ear wax, tinnitus and headaches. ANTICELLULITE TREATMENT Cellulite massages are one of the best solutions to reduce the appearance of visible cottage cheese lookof the skin. The techniques used in anti cellulite massage act on the fat cells (adipocytes) and help them to detach from the tissues and reabsorb evenly. This type of massage is performed locally in areas affected by cellulite, the ones that are usually prone to being affected by cellulite like: the hips, legs, buttocks and the abs. In a massage we use ivy tincture, who is well known as a fighter agents cellulite
Chic Enhancements
Chic Enhancements
Dear clients and friends, In order to provide complete relaxation and to give you a sense of relaxation when you visit us, we have changed our address where you can find us. As of this Tuesday 13th December we are part of team @ChicEnhancement and we are are based at 209 King Cross Road I hope to see you soon, and you can make reservations by calling 07508088788 or via our Facebook page.
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🎄🎁🎄It's Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄 when we all give our loved once present to treats themselves with full body massage. buying them a gift vouchfree will definitely be a good idea for this Xmas we give you 50% discount for yourself on your next massage xxxx 💆👰💆
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💆💆 🙌🙌 Special offers 💆💆🙏🙏 Threat your friend with full body massage and receive 50% discount to use on yourself!!!!