Bellyeoman Primary School and Nursery
Bellyeoman Primary School was built in 1997 and is a single-stream, co-educational, non-denominational school, situated in east Dunfermline. Unfortunately we cannot reply to all messages and the messages to this page are only moderated during the day and during the week. If you want to get a reply, or want us to get back in touch with you, please send a message or comment on a post.
Comments Policy:
We encourage you to submit your questions, comments, and concerns on the Bellyeoman Primary School and Nursery Facebook page.
Once posted, we reserve the right to delete comments that contain spam, racism, sexism, pornography, inappropriate language or inflammatory remarks. During a pre-election period, political comments will also be deleted.
This behaviour can also result in the offending user being banned from posting on the Bellyeoman Primary School and Nursery Facebook page.
Please note that the comments expressed on our Facebook page do not reflect the opinions and position of Fife Council or its officers and employees.
Tell your friends
facebook.comA massive 'Thank You' to all the boys and girls, mums and dads and carers who were so generous. I am truly blessed. Thank you all so much for such kindness. Your children are a credit to you all. Happy Holidays! See you in August when we get to do it all again! Mrs M. 🌞💖😁📷💐💋
Children can wear casual clothes on Thursday for the last day however, no football tops please. School closes 12.30pm. Have a lovely summer.
Well done primary 7, you were amazing last night! What a performance! Well done soloists, chorus, lighting technicians and props mistresses. Well done also to those who painted the scenery. 👏👏👏
Events for next week: Monday: 7pm P7 show Tuesday: 2pm P7 leavers assembly 6.30-8.30 P7 Disco at QAHS Wednesday: 9.30 and 11 Church Services 11.20 AM Nursery Leavers Celebration 12.40 PM Nursery Leavers Celebration 7pm P7 Prom Thursday: School closes at 12.30pm for summer holidays. Have a lovely summer from all at Bellyeoman Primary School.
Reminder: last day for milk orders for next term is tomorrow. £9.12 for the term August to October. Unfortunately we cannot accept any late orders when the order is placed with the supplier.
Race for life update. We are officially over £1000! Well done everyone😃 Could you try to have any money or last minute sponsor forms in for Thursday so the children can hear the total on Friday at assembly. Thanks again for supporting the children and raising so much for a worthwhile cause. 🏅
Events for next week: Monday: P7 Parents Information Meeting at QAHS Wednesday: Nursery end of term parties Thursday: P7 to QAHS Induction day All Children to meet their new teacher Library book sale in school 5 books for £1 2.15 Mr Garnham's retiral tea party (adults only - any parents wishing to attend that have not yet let us know, please contact the school office asap. Friday: P7 to QAHS Induction day NED Show in school - more details to follow *** Last day for Milk orders for next term*** Can any outstanding lunch money please be cleared by Friday 23rd June.
Race For Life update. Between cash donations and online giving we are over £950! If you would like to help us make the £1000 you can still donate. Thanks so much to those who have given. 😃😃😃 If your child was off on Monday, they can still get a medal if they walk, bike or run 1.5 miles(p1 and 2) 2 miles(p3 and 4) or 3 miles(p5, 6 and 7). Just send a note or photo in.
The School Gala Representative has asked us to let you know that the deadline for Gala tickets has now passed. However late tickets will be available until Friday 16th June but children purchasing a late ticket must be accompanied by an adult on the day. Tickets are £2 per child.
Well done to all the boys and girls for their amazing effort yesterday at sports day and the Race For Life. They all worked so hard. Some children even chose to run further than they were asked to! Between the face book link and donations we are over £800! The link is still open and donations are still being accepted if you would like to contribute. Thank you everyone who helped yesterday.
It's here! Time for a day of sports! Good luck to you all. The rain will pass but please dress accordingly. Thanks to your kind donations we are £5 off the half way mark. The link will stay open after the event if you would lime to donate.
Thank you again to everyone for the kind donations. We are almost half way to the target. The kids will be thrilled with the support. Positive thoughts for a dry day tomorrow! Remember a change of clothes for after.