K's Body beauty project
Hey everyone :)
So I'm the founder of K's body beauty project I'm here to help with everything from hair & nails to weight loss- Message me for any info <3
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facebook.comSo I started using our products in May 2016. I started on the Shakes, Boosters & Berries and in my first 5/6 weeks I lost 2 stone 😍 The next few weeks I lost another stone 🙌 I suffer with anxiety and after starting these products it's helped to reduce it a lot which is amazing for me as it gets me down a lot 😩 I have recently added premium capsules and chewables into the mix and I feel amazing I had 2 weeks off plan recently and jumped straight back on and lost 7 pounds in my first week 🙀 I will reach my goal 💪 Got a while to go but I know with these products I will get there, I will get the body I want ❤️
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Love delivery days 🙌🙌 Got to admit these chewables were open as soon as the photo was taken and they went down a bloody treat 😝😝 Taste so naughty but actually so goooood 💪❤️
Okay so a few peoples asked me if I'd raffle off a pouch of shakes 🍼🍼 So I'm offering 25 numbers out for £1 each 💷 (If they fly out I'll do one more) So numbers 1-25 are available and will be drawn when all numbers are sold using a random number generator 🙈 Either comment or message me to secure your number 😘😘
Boosters and berries 🍇🍍
Timeline Photos
So it's a day late (so sorry) But here's the winner of our competition! 🙌🙌🙌 All Done with a random name picker to show you there's no cheating :) The winner is........ 👇👇
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Loved cassys results 😍💪 Looks so healthier and fitter 🙌
K's Body beauty project
Don't forget ends this Friday!! 😘😘
K's Body beauty project
1 left 🍼🍼 Grab it while you can 🙌😘
K's Body beauty project
Don't forget about the competition lovelies ❤️❤️
Okay competition time!! 🙌🙌 All you have to do is like & share this post.. Then tag a friend in the comments of THIS post ❤️👇👇 Will last till next Friday! Winner will win our best selling berry capsules 🍇🍇 Perfect for hair, skin, nails and gums 💁 Ready... Steady GO!!!
Who's in the mood for a competition 🙌❤️ Was meant to do this last night but got sidetracked 🙈🙈 Hit like if you'd like to be involved 😘👇
Booster demonstration 🍍🍍🍍