British Military Fitness Cheam
British Military Fitness, the UK’s biggest and best loved outdoor fitness classes. /
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facebook.com18:00 WalkFit & Military Fitness & RunClub Work off your Easter eggs, Roast dinners & more! Excuses burn 0 Kcals Come and burn up to 600 in an hour!!! Every session has a beginner session!
British Military Fitness have launched a new initiative, offering FREE cake after our classes to balance against the calorie loss of our highly effective fitness sessions. Members have been complaining that the classes are “so effective” that they need cake afterwards to balance their calorific intake and manage their weight loss. Sign up for free cake/class at
Happy Easter from all staff at BMF!!! An amazing turnout today, !! See you all Monday 18:00!! WalkFit, RunClub & Military Fitness, Karl
As Requested Easter is upon us and the Amnesty is drawing to a close on the first, Easter Eggs or Just Giving Donations are most welcome See Picture For Our Easter Timings. Let's have an Eggcellent Weekend!!!
18:00 A Cracking little Family Session with WalkFit & MilFit joining forces and braving the light rain and relentless exercises, even squeezing a cheeky game of cups and saucers!! ☕️ 19:30 fabulous attendance & effort, your forecast for tomorrow is light rain & Muscle soreness 😂☔️💪🏼
Well lighter evenings help!!! How does it compare to winter? Well done tonight! Let's see you back again soon Karl Join us today
Who is coming out of hibernation tonight? Lighter evenings and lots of park to explore!!!! Who's Joining Us Tonight?
Your exercise regime shouldn’t stop just because it’s dark and wet. But lots of us are nervous to run alone in the dark or dislike working out on wet ground. That’s why we have created BMF Run Club. BMF Run Club offers all the support and motivation you’d expect from a BMF class, but without the burpees! We use firm, lit paths and the class is suitable for all abilities. You’ll also be able to enjoy BMF classes at no extra cost. Whether you are new to running, need support training for a specific event or just fancy some company whilst running, come along to your first class absolutely free, and try for yourself.
Tenacious The word of today! "persisting in existence, not easily dispelled" Your worked hard & Rewarding DOMS follow! Bring an Easter Egg or donate £5 and get a new bin with your name on it!! Karl
Mustn’t typo ‘clocks,’ mustn’t typo ‘clocks...’ Don’t forget to put your cLocks forward an hour today as British Summer Time begins. Lighter evenings await! #FreshStart #UnderNewManagement #SatisfactionGuaranteed 🕐➡️🕑🌅🙂