Scone Arms, Scone
Scone Arms will be opening late 2017 rebuilt and completely refurbished! Join us to see what's happening.
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facebook.comDEVELOPMENT UPDATE Following a survey of the existing building, several issues needed to be taken into account as part of the building warrant application. We are pleased to announce the mammoth drawings pack has been completed and signed off by our structural engineers today. We have tonight applied for a building warrant with Perth & Kinross Council to allow the works to proceed as planned. Fingers crossed 🤞
SGN: Your gas. Our network. Incident
GAS ISSUES Just in response to a few messages alerting us to the gas main issue outside Scone Arms tonight. We are happy to reassure everyone it's nothing to do with us, but thanks for your concern! Both our water and gas supplies have been isolated since October 2016 and we are neither the cause of the problem nor affected by it. If you need fan heaters, SGN are delivering these on request. Contact them on 0800 912 1700 and press option 2.
Timeline Photos
HAPPY NEW YEAR SCONE 🤗 Well that's 2016 all done and dusted - and a new year is now upon us! It's also the year in which we will completely transform the Scone Arms building, extend it, kit it all out to an exceptional standard and then open to you lovely lot! 2016 was a great year for us at our other venues and we look forward to bringing some of what we do elsewhere to Scone in late 2017! Have a wonderful time throughout New Years Day and indeed throughout the year. We hope to start work as soon as we receive building warrant approval and aim to be open within 6-7 months of that date. We will certainly see you for Christmas 2017 and hope to be open before Halloween 2017. Maybe in time for Rewind?? That's a MASSIVE ask but I'd certainly LOVE it to be by then 🤗
MERRY CHRISTMAS SCONE🎄 We would like to wish everyone who has followed our page a very Merry Christmas. We hope Santa brought you everything you'd hoped for and more! We look forward to opening into late 2017 and this time next year will be able to throw our doors open on Christmas Day so you can wander down to walk the turkey off and enjoy a festive beer or one of our scrumptious gins. Whatever you are up to today, have a wonderful day with your loved ones. We look forward to meeting you all into late 2017.
Photos from Scone Arms, Scone's post
STRIP OUT - DAY 8 Some further pictures of the internal strip out progress. The structural engineers are on site tomorrow looking at the new steel beam positions for raising the ceiling in the lower bar area. There are also huge beams going in on the gable ends of the two storey building to open up the space either side into the main building. This area will become the new restaurant on the revised plan.
Timeline Photos
STRIP OUT - DAY 5 So someone asked if the wood panelling was going in the top bar. It certainly is! We are just about back to the four walls in the front sections of the building and hope to have the entire building stripped out in time for Christmas 🎄
LAST ORDERS FOLKS..... Okay so maybe not quite for the bar yet, but we do need the car park cleared 👍 We are due to have several large roll on/roll off skips delivered early next week and these will be located off street in our car park and entrance way. If you are currently parked in the car park (or know someone using it) please recover any vehicles by 0800 on Monday morning! We don't want to block any of you in but as these skips are VERY large the car park requires to be closed from Monday morning and will remain so for the duration of our works. Thanks guys 🤗
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SHOUT OUT Hey guys and gals! Why not get a team of four together and get along to support Scone's Humpty Dumpty nursery? We are helping out with a donation towards the prize fund - it's sure to be a great night!
Photos from Scone Arms, Scone's post
WELL DONE TO TEAM TICKETYS! So as we start the planning to make the Scone Arms as awesome as we can make it, we head off out to an awards ceremony for our Dundee pub. Our manager Gus is being tasked with launching Scone and making an awesome job of things. And tonight his existing team have pretty much cleared up at a major awards ceremony! Congratulations to Gus and the whole team. We look forward to you heading through to launch the new Scone Arms in August 2017 🤗
THE FINAL COUNTDOWN.... So that's it. No backing out now! We are into the final 48 hours before we take ownership of the Scone Arms on Friday. The legalities always take time and we have today transferred a significant sum of money to our solicitors to conclude the purchase. All going well we should have our paws on the keys at 2pm this Friday! Excited now 🤗
SHOUT OUT..... So subject to all the legal formalities it looks like we will be arriving in Scone a week on Friday! We will be having a major clear out and have loads of old furniture, decking and other wooden material suitable for burning. If you know anyone involved with arrangements for the bonfire and they are looking for more firewood, get tagging them. Send us a private message and we will be only too happy to supply this free of charge 🤗 Everything will be going as nothing is to be reused.
SO THIS JUST HAPPENED....... We are elated to announce that in just one calendar month Perth & Kinross Council have approved our planning application (as submitted). Planners normally have a period of eight to twelve weeks to consider an application so we are just stunned that they have been able to register it, consult on it and thereafter approve it in just one month. This is simply astounding and we have fired off a letter to the Chief Executive of PKC to draw their attention to this exceptional achievement. Having submitted many applications with other council areas we know first hand that the service we have received is a clear mile ahead of anything else we have experienced elsewhere! PKC have sent a clear message that they are open for business and welcome inward investment. We posted the other day to say it'd likely be the start of 2017 before work started on the project. We are frantically working behind the scenes to urgently review this start date and there is a possibility we can shave an entire two months off the proposed start date! Scone, we will see you soon!!