Horse Park Livery
This page is to tell you a little bit about our livery stables. We appreciate ‘LIKES’ and recommendations to others you think might be interested.
Thanks for the interest
Full, Partial and DIY Livery Available, with Holiday Cover etc.
Easily Accessible :-
The Yard is central to Carrickfergus, Whitehead and Ballynure.
Phone for directions
Private Yard
Although small, the yard has a lot to offer. The limited number of stables ensures all horses and owners alike are well catered for, creating a happier environment for all.
Whether you’re breaking a young horse, just schooling or the next ‘Monty Roberts’, this is a great training tool.
This flood-lit school is adjoined to the main stable block and the grazing fields, so everything is within easy reach.
Main Stable Block
The main building offers bright and airy stabling with rubber matting, swivel feeders and automatic drinkers for 10 horses.
This also incorporates Feed and Bedding storage, Tack storage, Rug Hangers, Toilet and Kitchen facilities.
Excellent Hacking
There are miles of quiet roads and lanes in the surrounding area, many with scenic views. Loughmourne and Gleno are within easy reach.
Grazing and Turnout
Turnout is provided all year round. The grazing fields are easily accessible and have a good water supply.
This is a general purpose yard with lots of facilities to keep you busy or the ideal place to relax
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It might be a chilly day but it’s a beautiful one
For our throwback Thursday we’ve got Tuff for you all the original OG this boys moved on to pastures new were I’m sure he’s causing serious havoc. This lad could teach us all a few tricks and he’s still sorely missed at horsepark #tbt #tuff #bringhimbackjim
Can you believe this was a little over a week ago brrrrrr ❄️❄️❄️ bring me spring please
*pony profile number 4* Meet jake he’s our 17h Irish draft. He’s getting on a bit (but shhhh he doesn’t know) this boys as sensitive as they come and a true gentle giant. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks but you can certainly teach an old horse and jakes been loving life he even got to try on western tack which he loved. He’s owned by Amy or well he owns her who’s also learning new tricks along side him (although she’s a harder nut to crack).
Happy Monday everyone
*Pony profile no 3* Meet Norman he the bosses big lad and he knows it. This guys mostly retired so he gets to enjoy the good life with great company good long hacks and of course good food he’s a happy boy with a love for the ladies well all except his little sis Penny who spends her time bossing the big man about.
Stables now available at horse park livery, Carrickfergus. At horse park livery we are a small family run livery yard with great facilities and competitive rates, combined with stunning scenery and unbeatable hacking in the local area we are hard to beat. And for those who enjoy the competition side of life we are in close proximity to a few competition yards. Now for the important information . •large stables with rubber flooring and automatic drinkers. •excellent quality Haylege produced and supplied on site •off grass turnout all year round •large flood lit sand school with full use of jumps etc •round pen for schooling (or extra turnout ) •car park •hacking and trail rides •spring/summer grazing •full/ part and diy livery available •cctv covering the barn •locked tack and feed rooms •toilet and tea room facilities •bedding also available on site •short term livery available (holiday boarding etc) Our aim here is to provide a calm but fun environment for your horse and yourself with great support on site and current livery’s looking forward to meeting new and prospective livery’s. So send us a pm to arrange a nosey or to ask any questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Many thanks from the team at horse park.
Thanks again Jim sorting the view out
Thank you Jim
Since we are meeting the ponies we can’t leave this boy out. Meet Major he’s our cute as a button mascot/ guard dog / torture he will take your horse for a dander clear up any rogue carrots 🥕 and steal your shoes 👞 but he’s to adorable to be annoyed at. Isn’t he growing up well.
Tonto 🐎 @kahleesi_cavalier

Fell off cinnamon yday soft tissue damage on my back an hit my head the joys of owing a horse lol who all going to knockagh on weds night 😂😋

My 3 little nuggets lv them 🐎🐎

Looks like magics new rug doesn't fit 😭😱

Happy brithday to the best wee Shetland I could ever had I have only had her for 6months couldn't sit in her even put her tack on her but now she has lost a bit of weight getting healthier an she is a wee gem to ride lv her to pieces 😘😘

Happy brithday to the best wee Shetland I could ever had I have only had her for 6months couldn't sit in her even put her tack on her but now she has lost a bit of weight getting healthier an she is a wee gem to ride lv her to pieces 😘😘
