Handbike Experience - hand cycle
Thinking about a handbike and want to experience it before committing to buy The Handbike Experience includes:
A one to one Experience
The use of a Schmicking handbike.
Lessons in transfer from wheelchair to handbike and back
Expert fitting and adjustment of the handbike
Lesson in hand cranking, braking and shifting gears
A lesson on the move on fairly quiet roads around Whittlesford
Concentrating on you, your safety, road position, other road users, gear selection and power
The use of helmet and gloves. (Drink Bottle provided for the ride)
This experience is based on your ability and stamina
Duration: Up to 5 hours
Cost £75 (subject to terms and conditions)
In September 2012 I started a 6 month training program working for Thomas Schmicking, Schmicking Reha Tecknic GmbH, Holzwickede, Germany with a view to setting up handbike sales and servicing in the UK. I spent my time fitting and measuring customers and bikes, completing orders, assembling and servicing handbikes. I go back to Schmicking once a month for 3 or 4 days to work and train.
I am actively involved with Hand Cycle Association UK, fitting, servicing and adjusting bikes at Taster Days. I run the handbiking sessions for the Inter Spinal Unit Games (Wheelpower) and the adult and junior games (Limbpower).
Thank you for your interest.
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