Doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet
The Doctoral Students' Association is the biggest section with Mediciniska Föreningen at Karolinska Institutet!
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We got the winners of the DSA and Medicor photography contest on "Well-being": 1st: Valentina Pampanini - Little People Making Fitness 2nd: Kunal Das Mahapatra - Intimacy is wellbeing-Uppsala 3rd: Danielle Vaartjes - Street cats playing Greece We would kindly ask the winners to contact for details on the prizes. Due to the complexity of the theme, we decided to award an honorary mention as well to "Magdalena Kurek - 7 million (well)-beings" for its quality despite diverging from the topic. Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated!!! Don't forget to check the next Medicor issue which is going to include the winner and the exhibition of a few of the best photographs that we will organize in the library and MF soon!!
Board of Doctoral Education | KI Internwebben
Open student representative commissions of trust at KI! There are currently two open positions for student representyatives: 1. Board of Doctoral Education at KI, chaired by Dean Marianne Schultsberg, 2. Recruitment Committee at KI, chaired by Professor Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Both positions require that you can read swedish, and that you can follow a meeting in swedish, but you don´t have to speak perfectly. Both positions require some reading of material to prepare for the meetings. Please send you application with the following information to at the latest on the 18th of may. Name: Institution: When is your planned dissertation? An you read documents in Swedish and take part in a meeting mostly in swedish? What position are you applying to? Please provide a short description of you and motivation for applying to the post (2-4 sentences): Thanks! DSA
Academic Rights Under Threat?
Don't miss today's seminar by theAcademic Rights Watch on Academic Freedom and Rights! 17:00 in Strix. We will have coffee and snacks!
NorDoc - Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences
Hej everyone! They have asked us to announce the Nordic PhD Summit “Health Sciences Across Borders”, which will bring PhD students from the Nordics together for two days of interaction and scientific discussions – focusing on Nordic research strengths and how to get the most out of your PhD and research. Visit their page on Facebook to get more useful information about the speakers and participating companies: More information could be also found at: The registration is now open at:
Academic Rights Under Threat?
Join us Monday, 8th of May for a lecture by the Academic Rights Watch on Academic Rights and Freedom!¬if_id=1493843691393780
Academic Rights Under Threat?
We invited the founders of the Academic Rights Watch to have an evening seminar for PhD students at KI (of course everyone is welcome to join!). They will cover topics ranging from what rights we have when it comes to academic freedom, how the new university organization (new public management) is threatening this and what we can do about it. The presentation will be followed by questions, group discussions and mingle with coffee and light refreshments! See you there! DSA Team PS. Come in time to get a good seat!
Which is your favorite picture of the DSA and Medicor contest?
Vote by commenting on this album any of the pictures Hashtag (e.g. #Wellbeing32 ) or liking the picture.
Informationsday about Studentrepresentation
Come and join us for the Info Day on Student Representation! All students interested in student representation are welcome!
Karolinska Institutet
The Swedish Government has decided to appoint Ole Petter Ottersen as the new Vice-Chancellor of Karolinska Institutet. He will take office next August. The DSA welcomes the new Vice-Chancellor and hopes to have a good and successful collaboration with him to improve even more the PhD students situation at Karolinska Institutet.
DSA & Medicor photography contest rules.pdf
Good news everyone!!! The deadline for submission of photographs for the DSA & Medicor photography contest has been extended until Monday 1st of May at midnight!!!! So browse through your pictures and show us your amazing creativity!! Remember: The contest is open for all the students at Karolinska Institutet and the theme is Well-being. The contest has a first price of 1000SEK!!! 2nd 500SEK and 3rd 300SEK!! Read carefully the contest rules here: And upload your photographies here: Visit the event page at:
Registration Working in Sweden 170511
Working in Sweden seminar in Huddinge!!! 2017-05-11 Time 12:00 to 16:00 Location: S104, Alfred Nobels allé 23Campus Flemingsberg Welcome to listen to practical information useful during your stay in Sweden and KI. Programme: * Meet Ingeborg van der Ploeg, Central study director/coordinator of doctoral studies, KI (for prospective doctoral students) * National registration and personal identity number, Jens Malmkvist, Tax Agency * Useful facts for visiting academics (residence permits, healthcare, social security, banking, etc.), Ulla Tunkara, International Staff Services * Swedish courses, Kristina Håkansson, BBi Communication * Communicating across cultures - interactive workshop by John Alexander Sandwiches and beverages will be served from 12:00 Registration: register here no later than May 9. Please, note that this seminar takes place directly after the Introduction to doctoral education at KI – Expectations, support and opportunities but is open to everybody and you need to register separately. We recommend that you combine the seminar with Welcome to KI - Introductory seminar for postdocs, doctoral students and guest researchers taking place on April 28 at KI Campus Solna.
Following positions are avialable for PhD students to apply to: 1 position for CLINTEC Institution Council 1 position for CLINTEC Insititution Working Group You should be a student at CLINTEC to apply to these. Applications should be sent to . In the application write a short motivation why you would like to apply and why you would be good at it. 1 positions for the Scholarship Examination Board which assesses applications for the funds that are mediated by MF. Applications are sent to, deadline 25/4.