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Advokatfirman Enar Bostedt AB

Sankt Eriksgatan 12 Bv, Stockholm, Sweden
Lawyer & Law Firm



Advokatfirman Enar Bostedt AB was founded in 1990. The firm is one of Swedens most experienced in asylum law and has helped thousands of klients. Advokatfirman Enar Bostedt AB was founded in 1990 and operates a general practice specializing in asylum law, family law, social law and criminal law. Advokatfirman Enar Bostedt AB is one of Swedens most experienced firms in the field of migration law. Enar Bostedt is also russian and english speaking.

The firm consists of lawyer Enar Bostedt and legal associate Linda Bostedt. Enar Bostedt has been a legal aid attorney since 1990 and has since then been one of the most appointed lawyers in Sweden in asylum cases. He became a member of The Swedish Bar Association in 1996. Enar Bostedt has previously worked as legal associate at law firm Hans Bredberg AB from 1990-1992 and has also been a senior partner in the law firm Hancock & Rhen HB  from 1996-2007. In 2007 he started the law firm Enar Bostedt AB. Enar Bostedt is a board member of the Redbet Holding AB listed at the Swedish Stock Exchange.

Linda Bostedt has been working in the firm since 2009 and has a previous experience from both the Swedish Migration Board and the Swedish Migration Court.”

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Lawyer Enar Bostedt in the Swedish newspaper VLT on the 24/1 2017 about the Swedish migration offices new legal position concerning refugees from Afghanistan.

"Kära media, sluta missbruka begreppet flykting!"

Lawyer Enar Bostedt in the editorial column in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Svårare för svårt sjuka asylsökande att få stanna - Studio Ett

Lawyer Enar Bostedt talks about the consequences of the temporary refugee law in the Swedish radio show Studio Ett:

Intressant om än föga förvånande att Sveriges Domstolar efter kritik nu funnit att erfarenhet är viktigt och att slumpvisa förordnanden av advokater inte är lämpligt i brottmål, allt medan Migrationsverket står fast vid sitt lotterisystem för tillsättande av biträden. Asylrätten hör inte hemma i finrummet och har svagare lobbyister.


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Stockholm, Sweden
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