Virtue Crusaders Movement, aka Love Union
VISION: To realize a society where virtuous people far outnumber those of vices that evil becomes unattractive so that love, justice and equality, and hence peace reign supreme.
MAJOR OBJECTIVE: To build Houses, Schools, and Hospitals for the poor.
ANCILIARY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To provide help for the less privileged in the society; like orphans, widows, the poor, the sick and the aged, etc. 2.To bring justice to the oppressed in the society. 3. To propagate virtue, love and good deeds in the society through the publication of Virtue’s Voice Newspaper. 4. To inculcate in people the understanding that happiness is neither a function of their possessions nor position but of their decision, so that they will stop the pursuit of wealth by all means and at all cost. 5. To show religious people that extremism in the pursuit of their beliefs succeeds only in destroying what they intend to achieve thus making nonsense of the purpose of their religion, with a view to bringing peaceful co-existence and tolerance among the different religious persuasions. 6. To make fund available to those who quit the life of vice and would need financial assistance to start a new life of virtue. 9. To provide guidance and counselling to those that decide to change from a life of vices to that of virtue in order to help them surmount the difficulties involved in the process of such a change, and to others who need counselling in other lives’ issues.
And we plan to achieve these by:
1. MAIN: Building standard and very subsidized houses, schools, and hospitals for the poor.
2. ANCILIARY: I. Giving scholarships to the less privileged, help to the orphans, widows, the sick and the aged in the society. II. We will fight for the right of the oppressed in the society. III. By organizing lectures and seminars where people will be taught the possibility, importance and benefits of a life of virtue, for 'if people with the wrong values are educated, venoms that destroy men are empowered' and it is such an evil scenario that we are set up to work towards its prevention and/or eradication. IV. By publishing Newspapers and books, organizing and/or sponsoring programs, movies, etc, that teaches good morals, values, love, and right success principles with their profitability and the counter-productiveness of the wrong values and vices. V. We will make fund available to those who quit living in vices and require financial assistance to start a new life - a life of virtue. VI. We will provide guidance and counselling to those who sincerely desire to turn a new leaf to a life of virtue driven by the right values.
You too can be eyes to the blind, legs to the lame, ears to the deaf, mouth to the dumb; you can bring peace to the troubled, comfort to the afflicted, hope to the hopeless. You can wipe away tears from the heavy eyes; bring health to the sick, direction to the confused, home to the homeless, and wealth to the poor. You can be a person of virtue, you can show love, you can be that kind of person you desire that others become, you can be a crusader for virtue, so JOIN THE LOVE UNION today.
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