SU JOK ACUPUNCTURE Sujok (Su meaning "hand" and Jok meaning "foot" in Korean) is a form of acupuncture in which all acupuncture points are located on DRUGLESS THERAPY
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facebook.comYOU NEED A FLAT TUMMY? Cut ginger in pieces Cut tumeric in pieces Add cinnamon stick Boil them Allow to stay overnight Boil again the next Put in a cup Squeeze lemon into it Then drink. Do it for somedays and give the result.
HEALTH BENEFITS OF TOMATOES PREVENTS GALLSTONES: Regular consumption of tomatoes can also provide relief from gallbladder disease such as gallstones. There have been various studies to prove the efficacy of tomatoes against many chronic diseases and varieties of cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes can also be derived from processed foods, including tomatoes found in ketchup and purees. Daily consumption of tomatoes fulfills the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals and exerts an overall protective effect on the body. IMPROVES VISION: Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, aids in improving vision, as well as in preventing night-blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can be formed from an excess of beta-carotene in the body. A lot of vision problems occur due to the negative effects of free radicals, and vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant. HELPS IN DIGESTION: Tomatoes keep the digestive system healthy by preventing both constipation and diarrhea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body. Furthermore, they have a large amount of fiber, which can bulk up stool and reduce symptoms of constipation. A healthy amount of fiber helps to stimulate peristaltic motion in the smooth digestive muscles, and also release gastric and digestive juices. This can regulate your bowel movements; thereby improving your overall digestive health and helping you avoid conditions like colorectal cancer. LOWERS HYPERTENSION: Consuming a tomato daily reduces the risk of developing hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. This is partially due to the impressive levels of potassium found in tomatoes. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it reduces the tension in blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing circulation and lowering the stress on the heart by eliminating hypertension. MANAGES DIABETES: A study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the oxidative stress of type 2 diabetes. SKIN CARE: Tomatoes aid in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, hair and skin. Topical application of tomato juice is even known to cure severe sunburns. Daily consumption protects the skin against UV-induced erythema. They rank high in the preparation of anti-aging products. PREVENTS URINARY TRACT INFECTION: Tomato intake also reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections, as well as bladder cancer. This is because tomatoes are high in water content, which can stimulate urination, so they are a diuretic in certain ways. This increases the elimination of toxins from the body, as well as excess water, salts, uric acid, and some fat as well! PREVENTS GALLSTONES: Regular consumption of tomatoes can also provide relief from gallbladder disease such as gallstones.There have been various studies to prove the efficacy of tomatoes against many chronic diseases and varieties of cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes can also be derived from processed foods, including tomatoes found in ketchup and purees. Daily consumption of tomatoes fulfills the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals and exerts an overall protective effect on the body.
What Is It? Premature ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm and ejaculates too quickly and without control. In other words, ejaculation occurs before a man wants it to happen. It may occur before or after beginning foreplay or intercourse. Some men experience a lot of personal distress because of this condition. As many as one in five men experience difficulty with uncontrolled or early ejaculation at some point in life. When premature ejaculation happens so frequently that it interferes with the sexual pleasure of a man or his partner, it becomes a medical problem. Several factors may contribute to premature ejaculation. Psychological problems such as stress, depression and other factors that affect mental and emotional health can aggravate this condition. However, there is growing evidence that biological factors can make some men more prone to experience premature ejaculation. Rarely, premature ejaculation can be caused by a specific physical problem, such as inflammation of the prostate gland or a spinal cord problem. Premature Ejaculation Symptoms The key symptoms of premature ejaculation include: Ejaculation that routinely occurs with little sexual stimulation and with little control Decreased sexual pleasure because of poor control over ejaculation Feelings of guilt, embarrassment or frustration Diagnosis Premature ejaculation is diagnosed based on typical symptoms. To understand your problem, your doctor will need to discuss your sexual history with you. Be frank and open. The more your doctor knows, the better he or she can help you. If your sexual history fails to reveal significant mental or emotional factors that may contribute to premature ejaculation, your doctor may want to examine you. Your doctor may examine your prostate or do neurological tests (tests of your nervous system) to determine if there is a physical problem that could be causing premature ejaculation. Expected Duration Sometimes, premature ejaculation goes away on its own over weeks or months. Working to relieve stress or other psychological issues may help the situation to improve. Other men have lasting difficulties with premature ejaculation, and require professional help. Some men respond to treatment promptly, while others struggle with this problem over a prolonged period. Effective treatment is available. Prevention There is no known way to prevent premature ejaculation. However, you should consider the following advice: Maintain a healthy attitude toward sex. If you experience feelings of anxiety, guilt or frustration about your sex life, consider seeking psychotherapy or sexual therapy. Keep in mind that anyone can experience sexual problems. If you experience premature ejaculation, try not to blame yourself or feel inadequate. Try speaking openly with your partner to avoid miscommunication. Treatment Behavioral therapy is one possible approach for treating premature ejaculation. Most commonly, the "squeeze technique" is used. If a man senses that he is about to experience premature orgasm, he interrupts sexual relations. Then the man or his partner squeezes the shaft of his penis between a thumb and two fingers. The man or his partner applies light pressure just below the head of the penis for about 20 seconds, lets go, and then sexual relations can be resumed. The technique can be repeated as often as necessary. When this technique is successful, it enables the man to learn to delay ejaculation with the squeeze, and eventually, to gain control over ejaculation without the squeeze. Behavioral therapy helps 60% to 90% of men with premature ejaculation. However, it requires the cooperation of both partners. Also, premature ejaculation often returns, and additional behavioral therapy may be needed. Another possible treatment is prescription medication that helps to delay ejaculation. Delayed orgasm is a common side effect of certain drugs, particularly those used to treat depression. This is true even for men who are not depressed. When this type of medication is given to men who experience premature ejaculation, it can help to postpone orgasm for up to several minutes. Drugs used for this type of treatment include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil) or sertraline (Zoloft); and tricyclic antidepressants, such as clomipramine (Anafranil).
Millions of women suffer vaginal yeast infections every year — including painful infections that re-emerge just when you think they’re gone for good. In fact, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, estimates show that around 75 percent of all women will have a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives! (1) What causes a vaginal yeast infection? You guessed it: yeast! But did you know that the same type of fungal yeast that grows outdoors on trees and plants is actually very similar to the type that can develop inside the body and lead to an infection? It’s true! While the type of yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections as well as candida symptoms can be completely harmless, at some point its levels can reach high enough to take over our body’s “good bacteria” and cause a vaginal infection or worse. The good news is that there are several natural steps you can take to get rid of a vaginal yeast infection for good. Vaginal yeast infections can be treated naturally at home with supplements, essential oils, a nutrient-rich diet and probiotics. Take a look at six home remedies I recommend to prevent and/or treat this issue that too many women just can’t seem to shake. What Is a Vaginal Yeast Infection? The human body is home to millions of yeast organisms, many of which are considered “good” as far as our health is concerned. Think about it this way: Mushrooms and the type of yeast used to make beer and bread both have beneficial roles, improving our immune systems and helping produce food, respectively. The species of yeast responsible for causing yeast infections is a strain called Candida albicans (candidiasis). All strains of yeast are types of fungi, which technically aren’t plants at all because they don’t use chlorophyll (a type of energy that plants use from the sun in order to grow). Yeast and fungi are also unique and different from plants because they can actually make their own food, which is precisely how they multiply and spread within the body. (2) Vaginal yeast infections are a type of vaginitis, which means inflammation or infection of the vagina. While there are a number of different health conditions that are categorized together under the broad term of vaginitis (including bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and non-infectious vaginitis), vaginal yeast infections are the most common type. (3) Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast infections of all kinds tend to develop in areas of the body where conditions are most favorable for yeast and mold to reproduce easily. Yeast and fungus thrive in moist conditions, so damp “folds” of the body (think areas where you sweat a lot) are usually more prone to infections and outbreaks, including: (4) the mouth and throat genitals armpits anal area navel (belly button) nasal cavity and around the nose within the ears fingernails and toenails in between fingers and toes digestive tract When yeast overgrows in the vagina, symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection can develop, including: vaginal itching (sometimes very uncomfortable and severe) vaginal discharge that’s white, thick, clumpy and odorless (while not pleasant to visualize, some people describe it as looking like cottage or ricotta cheese) irritated skin around the opening to the vagina (vulva and labia), redness and swelling slight bleeding pain when going to the bathroom, during intercourse, when urinating or during menstruation sometimes a slight smell that’s unusual Usually, yeast infections are obvious and somewhat uncomfortable, especially if left untreated, and the symptoms continue to worsen. However, some people don’t realize they have a vaginal yeast infection or mistake it for another problem, like a urinary tract infection, side effects from birth control pills or irregular periods, or sexually transmitted disease, for example. When candida yeast multiplies, it’s capable of spreading to different parts of the body and causing all types of problems. Just like you
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Sounds awful, doesn’t it? People do claim success in mixing a concoction of lemon juice and olive oil to help dissolve kidney stones as a popular home remedy. Proponents of this method claim that at the first notice of symptoms, mix five ounces of olive oil with five ounces of lemon juice. Drink this combination straight and then drink a glass of water. You should blend this concoction and drink it straight first thing in the morning and again in the late afternoon. Be sure to drink plenty of water as well and extra lemon juice, if possible. Continue this treatment for several days until the stone passes. It is thought that the lemon juice could break down the kidney stones and the olive oil would aid in lubrication to pass the stone more easily. Extra-virgin olive oil is thought to be the best olive oil ingredient to use because it is the thickest and healthiest.
Ficus Exasperata (Sandpaper Tree) Medicinal Uses.Ficus exasperata leaves and fruitsFicus exasperata is the botanical name of a smallto medium sized tree that grows widely in Africa and Asia which is commonly refered to as sandpaper leaf tree. The leaves are referred to as ewe epin in Yoruba. The leaves are also used like sandpaper or to scrubs cooking utensils.Different parts of Ficus exasperata are used in traditional medicine due to the fact that they havephytochemicals like saponins, flavonoids, tannins, sterols, coumarins and alkaloids which have therapeutic properties like:*.Antioxidant*.Anti-inflammatory*.Analgesic*.Abortifacient*.Hypotensive*.Anti-microbial*.Astringent*.Diuretic*.Vermifuge*.AntipyreticThe stem sap is used to:*.Treat warts*.Stem bleeding of woundsThe leaves are used to:*.Reduce high blood pressure*.Reduce blood cholesterol levels*.Reduce blood sugar levels*.Treat urinary tract issues*.Boost female fertility*.Treat ringworms*.Treat arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory conditions of the joints*.Treat epilepsy*.Stop bleeding*.Treat wounds*.Kill intestinal parasites*.Treat ulcersThe bark is used to:*.Treat leprosy*.Shrink hemorrhoids*.Expel placenta after child birth*.Induce abortionsThe roots are used to:*.Treat venereal diseases*.Treat respiratory issues like bronchitis, asthma, coughs, etcFicus asperifolia leaves are also called ewe ipin inYoruba. They are used for the same traditionalmedicinal purposes. There are so many plants that are used for medicine effectively in Africa forhealing.Ficus exasperata has more uses than those listedabove. Share what you know about this plant below.
BENEFITS OF WARM WATER 👉👉👉 A group of Japanese Doctors confirmed that warm water is 💯 % effective in resolving some health problems👇, including: Headache, migraine, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, pain of joints, sudden increasing and decreasing of heartbeat, Epilepsy, increasing level of cholesterol, cough, bodily discomfort, golu pain, asthma, hooping cough, blockage of veins, diseases related to uterus & urine, stomach problems, poor appetite, also all related diseases to the eyes, ear & throat. HOW TO USE WARM WATER 👉👉 Get up early in the morning and drink approximately 4 glasses of warm water when the stomach is empty. Do not eat anything 45 minutes thereafter. You may not be able to make 4 glasses at the beginning, but slowly you will.✍ The warm water therapy will resolve the health issues within reasonable periods:👇 👉 Diabetes in 30 days 👉 Blood pressure in 30 days 👉 Stomach related issues in 10 days 👉 All types of cancer in 9 months 👉 Blockage of veins in 6 months 👉 Lack of hunger (Poor appetite) in 10 days 👉 Uterus and related diseases in 10 days 👉 Nose, Ear & Throat problems in 10 days. 👉 Women's menstrual problems in 15 days, 👉 Heart diseases in 30 days 👉 Headache/Migraine in 3 days 👉 Low blood pressure in 30 days. 👉 Cholesterol in 4 months 👉 Epilepsy and paralysis continously in 9 months 👉 Asthma in 4 months. ICE WATER IS BAD FOR YOU: 🌻In the past, people used to say that if cold water does not affect you at young age, it will harm you at old age👇 👉 Ice water closes 4 veins of the ♥ heart and causes heart attack 💔; Cold drinks are main reason for Heart Attack. 👉 Ice water💦 creates problems in liver; makes fat stuck with liver. Most of the people waiting for the transplant of liver are victims of cold water drinking. 👉Ice water affects internal walls of stomach. ? Ice water affects stomach and big intestines and results in cancer. 👉Please, don't keep this to yourself, share with all your loved ones.
