Evangelisch Centrum Europoort
Jezus en Zijn Koninkrijk zichtbaar maken. Dat is waar EC Europoort zich op richt.
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Photos from Europoort's post
Daniel Pasterkamp got to spend time in the mountains of Papua New Guinea where he had the privilege of inaugurating a new church! Please keep our team in your prayers as they travel!
Photos from Europoort's post
Our previous and our current pastor send you greetings from Papua New Guinea. They are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the church that Jan Sjoerd founded during his time as missionary. The Pasterkamps left a lasting mark there👍🏻
You're still far away from looking like this - but we wish you all the best and may you look this great as an old man. Happy Birthday, Daniel Pasterkamp!
Photos from Europoort's post
Looking back at our first Summer Service from last Sunday. It was a great mixture of Dutch and International people - looking forward to our next bilingual service!
It's that time of the year... While our pastor family is traveling to England we want to wish all of our church family a great and blessed vacation period! Let us know, where will you be going?
Don't miss our bilingual services this summer! You will love the atmoshere! We're looking forward to worshiping together!
Photos from Europoort's post
It was an honor to welcome my own father to the stage for the first time since three years. To have him back in Europoort, the church he built and led for more than 10 years, and to see that ‘sparkle’ in his eye was priceless. His spirit is strong and the time of Ministry in the Holy Spirit was as powerful as ever. It is an amazing thing to be able to call you Dad! Daniel Pasterkamp
Europoort's cover photo
Mis onze tweetalige diensten niet, deze zomer! Je zult de sfeer geweldig vinden! We kijken er naar uit om samen te aanbidden! Don't miss our bilingual services this summer! You will love the atmosphere! We're looking forward to worshiping together!
Photos from Europoort's post
The creativity God has given kids is so amazing! Wasn't it a great Heart for the House Sunday with Jan Pool?!
Vandaag S H I N E openen met een openingsliedje ☺️!

De eerstejaars studenten gaan vandaag op pad om aan teambuilding te werken! Deze dagen zijn altijd super leerzaam en daarom dus een belangrijk onderdeel van het eerste jaar. Good luck toppers! 😁

En we zijn begonnen!! #kingdomlifecollege #20172018

The PAST has PASSED! The FUTURE is WAITING. Our CHOICE is to SINK or SWIM. 🙏🙌 -MKR #betterdaysarecoming

Thanks Kent, for the encouraging word this morning. Having a hunger for God and His Word..

Day 28 Our final show tonight.

Day 27 Our last day of set up for our final show in Europe.

It was a life changing experience! ✨#goodbye #tweejaar #kingdomlifecollege #feliciasleventje

I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone

Until all are free! #endslavery #46millionslavesworldwide #ijm #redsandproject #untilallarefree #shineevent2017 #kerkinrotterdam #churchinrotterdam #eceuropoort @ijm

Be there! ✨ #insalvation #kingdomlifecollege #rotterdam

Haha, dit was het enige wat ik had als #kostuum in de #musical, maar wat was het tof om een keer mee te doen! Collega-#acteurs en natuurlijk #publiek, #bedankt!

#Oefenen voor de #musical

f r i e n d s 💫 #kingdomlifecollege #feliciasleventje #friends
