The WMDA cares for donors who try to save the lives of patients worldwide. This page provides information about stem cell donor registries, cord blood banks and worldwide activities regarding donor recruitment.
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facebook.comExcited to announce: HLA and KIR Population Dynamics Workshop on March 11-14, 2018 organised by the EZER MIZION - עזר מציון. Read more on: http://louzouy.wixsite.com/hlakir2018
Today it is #WorldCordBloodDay check their FB page https://www.facebook.com/worldcordbloodday/
Tomorrow is #WorldCordBloodDay #WCBD17 Find an event near you!
Ready for the #WMDA2017 Fall Meeting in Minneapolis? Take a look at the new website www.wmda.info for meeting information #WMDAMinneapolis.
WMDA has moved to a new website. Visit our new website and have a look. Our website address is: https://www.wmda.info
The WMDD 2017 after movie will be shown during the WMDA fall meeting in Minneapolis on the 9th of November, here is a little preview! See you all there :) #WMDD2017 #thankyoudonor
On the way of preparing the WMDA Fall Meeting in Minneapolis. Exciting days to come where we will present the WMDA Strategic Directions for 2018-2021. Our meeting will be followed by the NMDP Council Meeting where we will celebrate the 30 year of transplants within the NMDP. Rick Kupchella will moderate the session on November 10th and take us on the journey through the past 30 years and 85,000 transplants. Join us through: #WMDA2017 #WMDAMinneapolis
WMDA-NetCord Webinar: Eligibility Assessment – October 4 This WMDA-NetCord webinar will be on October 4, 2017, at 10:00 ET. This is an area that differs among banks, and banks rely on integration between central bank activities and collection sites. Some information is collected upfront and some is collected onsite. Susana Gomez, PhD, Head of Blood and Cell Processing Laboratory at Programa Concordia Banc de Sang i Teixits, will provide tips for how to do this effectively. View meeting details and register: http://www.factweb.org/forms/meeting/MeetingFormPublic/view?id=FB65200000234
If you are too busy, do not read issue 13 of Stem Cell Matters! What you will miss is the infographic of #WMDD, two Cord Blood surveys, important info on BMDW Search & Match Service, GRID Checksum Calculator, information on World Cord Blood Day #WCBD, one of the most important theses from Leiden, the early bird for Minneapolis and.....a WMDA-NetCord Webinar
Two days prior to #WMDD2017 we cut the #thankyoudonor cake with Stichting Matchis. Did you already upload your #WMDD event on the WMDD website? https://worldmarrowdonorday.org/account/register-or-login/
Only 4 days to go to #worldmarrowdonorday #WMDD2017. Upload your event on the #WMDD website: https://worldmarrowdonorday.org/account/register-or-login/
Stem Cell Matters Issue 12 has been sent to all WMDA members. It includes updates on #WMDD #GRID #GCSF #Education #accreditedregistry #XML #SindomeUruguay #WMDANetCord webinar. Check you inbox now!