Like this page to stay up-to-date on all current and future issues on the Aerospace Faculty. Please post your questions, complaints or recommendations! This group is meant for contact between the Aerospace Engineering students, and the AE Faculty Student Council (FSC AE). If you have any questions, complaints or recommendations regarding the Aerospace faculty or study programme, this is the right place!
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facebook.comCheck out our last newsletter of this year! The June edition is about Brightspace, exam grading periods and our input moment. Good luck with the last exams!
Dear Students, You must be excited about the Summer Vacation. But, don't forget to look forward for your exams before that. Do register for your exams. The exam period starts from 26th June ’17. You can register up to 14 calendar days before the start of the relevant exam. So, for the first exam on 26th, don't forget to register yourself today. You register by: 1. Enroll via Osiris and check Osiris if your registration went correctly. 2. Bring your campus card, a valid ID and your exam ticket to the exam. Also, in case you changed your mind to give the exam later, please de-register. This will open up chances for students who are in the waiting list. Do your exams well and Enjoy your holidays.
This Wednesday we'll be handing out free raketjes in the main hall of the faculty during our new-style student input session! Make sure you drop by and share your thoughts on the faculty, the educational program, the facilities, the food, or anything else that is on your mind. As promised, the newly elected FSC will also be present!
We are happy to present the new FSC to you! They are looking forward to representing you in the upcoming academic year. You will be able to meet some of them Wednesday during one of our input moments in the lecture breaks and lunch breaks. More information will be announced soon!
Today is the last day you can vote for the new FSC! Are you not sure who to vote for? Check out the candidate information in our previous posts. Make sure to vote, as this will make us stand stronger. You can vote at https://stem.tudelft.nl/ till 17:00h.
With the FSC elections on May 17th and 18th, we would like to introduce candidate 6: Salomon Voorhoeve. Currently, I’m a member of the Central Student Council on behalf of Lijst Bèta. In this full-time position I’ve gained a deep understanding of the organisation of the TU Delft and how to get things done within the university. Next year, I’d like to improve the faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The faculty has a high quality of education and research, but also faces some challenges: we don’t have enough facilities to give everyone an opportunity to study in this amazing field, some of the regulations don’t match with policies of other faculties and a lot of lectures could be improved. Additionally, I’d like to see that the regulations are enforced, especially for teachers, and that grading deadlines are met. Would you like the FSC to have a head-start and to make use of the experience of the Central Student Council? Then vote for me!
With the FSC elections on May 17th and 18th, we would like to introduce candidate 5: Sébastien Bourier. Hi there! My name is Sébastien Bourier, and I'm a 4th year bachelor student. As an Aerospace Engineering student, we know what it’s like to explore the limits in innovation. However, in order for innovation to succeed it’s important that the education remains of high quality. Using my experience gained, I want to stimulate education of high quality in a dynamic working environment. Creating such an environment could decrease the boundaries between students and lecturers and develop a more integrated study program. As I am starting my master next year, I will have insights in both the master as bachelor education and therefore I think I really can contribute to integrated education as a member of FSC. Do you think integrated education is the key element of high quality education? Vote for me!
With the FSC elections on May 17th and 18th, we would like to introduce candidate 4: Katharina Ertman. International students make up a significant portion of the Aerospace Engineering faculty, and contribute in so many ways to the culture and environment of AE. I myself hail from the United States, having grown up and completed most of my education there. As a member of the FSC, I will bring a fresh perspective to the workings of the faculty and will strive to be a tangible link between the faculty and the international student community. I want to hear your thoughts, from what’s working to what needs improvement, and everything in between, and I will work to make sure your voices are heard. I will also bring to the FSC three years of experience in serving as a board member for various student organizations and a drive to get things done.
With the FSC elections on May 17th and 18th, we would like to introduce candidate 3: Kyana Shayan. Greetings to all the Tu Delft Aerospace Engineers! My name is Kyana Shayan and I am currently doing my master in C&S. As an international student who have dealt with different academic environments (US, Europe and Middle East), I would like to discuss students opinion about the current curriculum and help them to be heard. The Aerospace department is one of the most welcoming faculties to foreign students. So why not make the most of it by bringing fresh ideas and experiences together? Moreover, I believe that difference brings improvement. With the variety of students at Aerospace, with different cultures and perspective, we can learn from each other. By being a member of the FSC, I would like to improve the students academic experience by bring more integrity to the faculty.
With the FSC elections on May 17th and 18th, we would like to introduce candidate 2: Jan Post. Hi everyone! I am Jan Post, 3rd year bachelor student at our faculty and I would like to take place in the Faculty Student Council the coming year. In the past few years, I’ve been active at the VSV, helping bringing out a magazine, organizing the VSV Freshmen Weekend for all the new students and currently I’m in the RVD, organizing a week-long trip across Europe where we’ll visit companies in the space and aviation sector. Because of this I’ve seen the importance of students developing themselves besides their studies, while simultaneously not squandering the great possibilities for studying that are provided to us. I feel that the best way to do this is to provide the best possible facilities that the faculty is able to; in order to make the best engineer possible out of you! Do you agree? Vote for me!
With the FSC elections on May 17th and 18th, we would like to introduce candidate 1: Mitchell Borst. Next year I want to be in the FSC because I want to be involved in the improvement of the facilities for the students within the faculty and the Fellowship. Previous years, the FSC already accomplished things as extended opening hours of the Fellowship and (re)placement of the microwaves in the faculty. However, I think there is still room for improvement in both the faculty as the Fellowship, especially the food & beverage facilities. Next to the facilities, I also would like to help connect the new dean with all students. It is important that our new dean knows what our students think and do and what their interests are. Due to my board year at the VSV, I have the experience of connecting people and I think that this experience could be useful by connecting the dean with you!
[WANTED: STUDENTS WITH VISION] Dear Aerospace Engineering enthusiasts, The TU Delft is working on a new strategic framework for the period 2018 - 2024. Currently a draft has been made by the university after consulting advisory groups. Now students are asked to share their opinion and improve the draft. Student participation in this process is necessary to ensure a complete view of the vision. Interactive, small-scaled Open Meetings that each address a specific strategic theme will be organised to collect student input. Staff, alumni, business partners of TU Delft and members of the regional network will be present to provide a diverse environment. If you would like to share your thoughts on this, then please join. Participation for each meeting is limited to 60 people, so be quick to subscribe and secure your spot. For more information and registration, visit www.newstrategy.tudelft.nl. Research - 31st of May | 15:30 - 18:00 Societal Impact - 1st of June | 15:30 -18:00 Students and Education - 2nd of June | 14:30 - 17:00 - 8th of June | 14:30 - 17:00 People - 14th of June -| 17:00 - 19:30 - 20th of June -| 15:00 - 17:30 Support Service - 22th of June -| 14:30 - 17:00 - 23th of June -| 13:30 - 16:00 Estates - 27st of June | 14:30 -17:00