This Page was set up to help its customers access, support, advice, and see any promotional/new products that we have in store.
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facebook.comNEON Our new range of liqiuds available in different mg's. 50/50 mix. 10ml bottles. OZONE: Caramel and Irish Cream ULTRAVIOLET: Kiwi, Sweet Apple and Grape infusion STAR GAZE: Strawberry and Cream COSMIC: Strawberry, Lemonade with a Vanilla twist Pop into the store if you'd like to test out these wonderful flavours... 🌈
Photos from VP Nenagh's post
Some tips for all of ye on battery safety.... hope this helps 😊
New study comes the closest yet to proving that e-cigarettes aren’t as dangerous as smoking
Timeline Photos
Higher performing... low buget device now in stock.... call into store or pm for more detail
E-cigarettes 'safer' than regular cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes could have a huge effect on public health | Marcus Munafo, University of...
Welcome to the the Irish Vape Vendors Association (IVVA) - IVVA when purchasing ANY ecigarette device it is ALWAYS worth doing research on what retailers to purchase from... IVVA has a list of recommended retailers who ensure their devices and liquids have safety standards around them. Please be aware that there is some equipment out there that have no safety standards and can cause damage.... be aware of what you are buying, do the research..... this website is a good place to start!
New briefing for UK practitioners, how long should their Irish colleagues wait? - IVVA
Hi guys! I'm thinking about posting up a weekly video on different products we sell and how to use them..... do any of you feel it would be helpful?😊
The Winner of the Valentines competition is..... Caroline Wynne!! Well done to you, PM us so we can arrange the details... We have a concurrent competition running on our Vapourpal Limerick Page, so to be in with another chance of a prize like this take a sneak peek and a quick like and share on that page. Both Pages will be running a monthly competition, you have to be in to win😘
Photos from VP Nenagh's post
Valentines competition... why not fill your pipe with a valentine treat.... up for grabs .... 2 bottles of 30ml liqua.... vanilla and strawberry 18mg.... to be in with a chance of winning, like our page, competition post, and share... leave a comment underneath the competition post on our page and we will pick a winner tomorrow afternoon, just in time for Valentine's day! 💗💖💞💟❤💜💓
Photos from VP Nenagh's post
Business as usual in Nenagh, with the two stores open we are hoping to expand on our services and products to benefit our customers across the 2 stores 😀