Hybrid Garage service
- 1-2-1 personal training
- Small group personal fitness classes
- Strength & conditioning training
- Weight management & Nutrition
Hybrid Garage service
- 1-2-1 Personal Training
- Small group Personal Fitness Classes
- Strength & Conditioning Training
- Weight management
- Nutrition Coaching
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Opening Hours
- Monday
- 18:00 - 19:00
- Tuesday
- 18:00 - 19:00
- Wednesday
- 18:00 - 19:00
- Thursday
- 18:00 - 19:00
- Friday
- 18:00 - 19:00
- Saturday
- 18:00 - 19:00
facebook.comRoad To Trifecta
Final Countdown - Only Two Weeks Left to Spartan Beast Perth. Prep is going well despite twisted ankles we are doing our best - #nocomplaints #noexcuses - Keep yours fingers crossed (y) #RoadToTrifecta, #ocrcoach, #ocrIreland, #SpartanRaceIreland, #KeepPushing, #LevelUpYourFitness, #HybridGarageTeam
Sunday Startup Like No Other #ocrcoach, #ocrIreland, #RoadToTrifecta, #SpartanRaceIreland, #TeamTerrorIreland, #MilitaryBootcamp, #IronCore, #GripIt, #RunningStrong, #TrainSmartAndHard, #LevelUpYourFitness, #HybridGarageTeam
Land Of Legends 8k
Weekend review with #HybridGarageTeam Aggie, Kaya, Łukasz & Artur from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box Great day, lovely people, good cause (y) - THANK YOU ALL
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
Midweek Midsection 👉 #IronCore #Wednesdays ✓ Hanging Transition #ocr ✓ Med - Ball / Swiss Ball #stirthepot ✓ Power Band Crunches & more ... #AbsOfSteel 💪 #FitFam #ocrtraining #sixpack #HybridGarageTeam #LevelUpYourFitness #ocrireland #RoadToTrifecta #spartantraining #medball #powerband
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
Good morning Hybrid Nation 🏞 Today's #cardio done & dusted 💪 #HybridGarageTeam #RoadToTrifecta #SpartanRace #TrailRun #ocrcoach #Maynooth #FatherOfFour #NoExcuses
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
Injured or not #training has to be done 🏋 Train around the #injury - there is always a way to complete your set 💪 Good #chest & #arms Session with determined #hybridgarageteam - #sleevebustig #hypertrophy #peronaltraining
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
Quick update 👉 #LandOfLegends8k in beautiful #Clogherhead for the great cause #GaryKellyCancerSupportCentre good to see progress on the course, it was even better than last year - well done to organizers 👏 Unfortunately cause of the injury we couldn't run in full squad but that's the part of this #sport - we will come back #stronger ✊ Thanks for the great day, good to see people involved in #ObstacleCourseRacing #HybridGarageTeam #ocr #CharityRun #ocrIreland, #ocrcoach #ocrtraining #helpothers
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
Work Hard - Play Hard 💪 Blessed to be part of great #team 😇 and share even greater #memories This was just few weeks ago and tomorrow we are heading to another #event for the good cause and more #fun 😤 Would you like to join #HybridGarageTeam ? 👉 Leave a comment, txt me or drop in for one the most versatile #training ever 🏋 The #OCRTraining ✊ 👉 Stay tuned - more info coming soon ... 💪 #ocrIreland, #ocrcoach, #PersonalTraining, #runforfun, #HellAndBack, #activelife, #SugarLoaf, #WicklowMountains, #mudrun, #RoadToTrifecta, #obstaclecoursetraining, #LandOfLegends8k, #LevelUpYourFitness, #MaynoothPT
OCR Strength Camp
Short intro of "How we do it ⁉" ✓ #TraverseRope ✓ #SpearThrow ✓ #CargoNetCrawling ✓ #AgilityLadder ✓ #TireHopping ✓ #AgilityConesJumps ✓ #HighRig & #LowRig ✓ #BucketCarry ✓ #BattleRopeSlam & more ... 💪 If you want to know why and #LevelUpYourFitness❓👉 Stay tuned new date release soon 🏋 Credit to Alexandra Siliņa, Aggie Janiszewska Kaya N' Gan Daya Vlad Len #militarytraining, #ocrcoach, #ocrIreland, #StrengthCamp, #MaynoothFitness, #RoadToTrifecta, #SpartanRaceIreland, #LandOfLegends8k #ToughMudderIreland, #obstacletraining
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
#Strength 💪 #skills 🎯 #Teamwork 👊 #greatfun 😀 #ocrtraining on #SundayMorning with #teamterror, #hybridgarageteam & Alex Si Health&Fitness 👉 one of the best ways to enjoy great weather 🌤 Well Done to all committed Alexandra Siliņa, Aggie Janiszewska Kaya N' Gan Daya and Vlad Len 💪👏👍 #ocrcoach, #ocrireland, #LandOfLegends, #RoadToTrifecta, #ToughMudderIreland
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
#OCR #Core anterior & posterior ✓ #noexcuses ✓ hand in hand ♂♀ ✓ #grip on rings to #Lsit on #kettlebells Do you want to #LevelUpYourFitness ? Drop in and join #HybridGarageTeam #ocrireland #ocrcoach #ocrpolska #ironcore #fitfam #landoflegends #roadtotrifecta #spartanraceireland
Photos from Hybrid Garage - OCR Box's post
Hands on #core practice 💪 ✓ #DragonFlag ✓ #trx oblique #crunches ✓ #swissball leg raises And much more ... #IronCore 👉 with #HybridGarageTeam ✊ #ocrcoach, #fitfam, #strongabs, #LandOfLegends, #RoadToTrifecta, #OCRIreland, #SpatanRaceIreland, #PersonalTraining, #FitnessMaynooth