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An Spideal Wellness Centre, Galway, Ireland
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Reiki/Seichim €25 (€15from home)
AromaTouchTechnique €40

Treatments take around the hour and combine the use of angel cards, crystals and essential oils.  This page has been created to give people a better understanding of the workings and benefits of Reiki & Seichim. Special offers and price lists will be found on this page also.

Bookings and inquiries can be made through Facebook/email/phone.

Open Monday to Sunday with open hours that are flexible.

I hope you all enjoy it :)


January 2017 Full Moon -

"This month brings the Full Moon in the sign of Cancer. The Full Moon is also the time to forgive..." Follow this link to read more

Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light

"Today's Angelic Message: "Every New Year is a new beginning. Choose to LIVE IN THE LIGHT, ANCHOR THE LIGHT AND SHINE YOUR LIGHT brighter than ever this year. Fear is at an all time high in the world and your LIGHT AND LOVE are greatly needed now. Stand in your power and truth, with courage and steadfast determination, but do not allow fear to have power over you. The only way to co-create a future that is bright for everyone is to be fearlessly compassionate towards yourself and others." ---Message from Archangel Michael channeled by Rev. Ana Jones"

Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light

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Send some love to all of those sleeping rough tonight <3

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Teal Swan - Eating Meat, Angry Vegans, Do Plants Suffer, Health

This is a great video for anybody who is interested in finding out about some reasons why people decide to go vegetarian and why they feel better for doing so. It's really informative and what I love most about it, it's non judgemental . <3

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Don't ever feel like one person can't make a difference. That's the type of mind frame that will prohibit change. If there is something that you feel passionately about in you heart then don't ignore it, go do something about it. Things call us for reasons and when we follow those callings tremendous things can happen. Everyday is a blessing <3

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"The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple, and yet everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves" Alan Watts


Inside Standing Rock - What is Dakota Access Pipeline?

The world needs more people who are happy to make videos like this that reveal the truth about whats going on in the world. <3

Before the Flood - Full Movie | National Geographic

If all you do this weekend is watch this documentary on climate change produced by Leonardo DiCaprio. your weekend will be well spent. It's easy to brush climate change under the carpet and focus on other "more important" things like what to wear out tonight or to figure out how your going to pay for the phone bill next week that is 4 weeks overdue but this world is our home and and we are destroying it. We can sit back and blame governments or we can take action. "Consume Differently what you buy and eat. Consume differently how you get power Vote for leaders who will fight for climate change, ending fossil fuel subsidies. Investing renewables, leaving fossil fuels in the ground."

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We weren't born to work 9-5 just to pay the bills. When you live with meaning your life has purpose and when you feel like you have a purpose you can make a massive difference in this world <3 Don't forget who you are :)

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Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind <3

Thich Nhat Hanh - Be A Home For Yourself

Thich Nhat Hanh says make peace with your loneliness and fear breath in and out and smile, become aware of feelings of fear and loneliness and make peace with them. Embrace the inner child in you, nourish it and that is the act of going home to the here and now, to yourself and your feelings. how can you connect with another when you cant connect with yourself! This is the way to heal society.. <3

Mindfulness Ireland

Happy Autumn :)

Mindfulness Ireland


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