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3 Ti Na Ri, Loughrea, Galway, Ireland



KitcheDraw - State-of-the-art Kitchen and Bathroom design software... Only 3 Euros P/H No initial investment, no annual maintenance fee,free e-mail support OgeeTek is a company formed of passionate and driven people, our aim is to create comprehensive & easy to use space planning solutions for many sections of the construction & design industries. We have many years of hands on experience of the manufacturing and design process from drawing board to factory to installation. Along with our extensive knowledge of I.T. solutions for these industries, we are in unique position to offer solutions & advice to our customers. Bridging the gap between design and production.

We are business partners with PRAGMA Informatique, PRAGMA Informatique was founded in 1990 by Philippe and Bernard Laudrin with the purpose of developing and commercializing an innovative space planning software. Today more than one million people have downloaded KitchenDraw across five continents and more than 90 000 users are registered on the web site.

We are also constantly in a state of research & development to ensure we bring the best and newest technology to the market.

What We Do
We are the agents for KitchenDraw in the United Kingdom, Ireland and India. This allows us to offer the following products and services.

KitchenDraw - Space planning software

AppliCats - Complex and bespoke product configurators

Catalogues - Extensive libraries built for use with KitchenDraw, InSitu & AppliCats

Support - For KitchenDraw, InSitu & AppliCats

AppliCat Store - Market place for AppliCats

Complementary Services - Contact us for any information regarding any queries we can help you with.



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