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ALISON - Free Online Courses

Level One Building, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway, Ireland



We provide 600 free online Certificate and Diploma courses for basic education and workplace. Certify at your own pace |
ALISON is a global leader in free online learning for workplace skills. With 4 million users across the world, learners can sign-up, start learning, and improve workplace skills and employment prospects today


Free online Diploma Courses | ALISON | ALISON

Take up a Diploma Course with Alison and get 20% Off your Parchment or PDF today. Checkout our most popular courses here

Free Tourism - Introduction to Retail Travel Sales Online Course | ALISON

As with all industries, the tourism industry is centered upon sales. Up to ten years, ago most holiday packages were sold through high street travel agencies. This free course will be of great interest to tourism professionals or anyone interested in a career in the area of retail travel sales. Start now!!!

Free Using YouTube Online Course | ALISON

Start your day with a new adventure! Have you always wanted a career as an online sensation?? New media has taken over the world! Complete our YouTube course today and leave you mark in the future of media!

Deutsch lernen - learn German, how to speak German | ALISON

Learn German Today!!! This free online German language course will be of great interest to anybody wanting to travel to Germany or a German speaking region, either as a tourist especially conversation or eating out!

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Our December sale is on now! Get 20% Off on all Alison Parchments and PDFs for a limited time ONLY and show the world your achievement!

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Free Basic Chinese - Restaurants and Hotels Online Course | ALISON

Are you planning your new Holiday for Spring or Summer? For those planning to explore Asia, here is a very necessary course you need to plan and budget ahead with regards to Hotels, restaurants and basic conversation in Chinese! Complete this course today and get 20% Off on all Alison parchments and PDFs! Share this course with your friends and families!

Free online French Language course | ALISON

Have you ever been in a new place, with a different language and didn't know how to communicate? You're not alone, it happens more often than you think. Complete our special French course that teaches you how to order dinner, converse with locals and describe places today! Don't forget, our limited 20% Offer is still on!

Free online French Language course | ALISON

Have you ever been in a new place, with a different language and didn't know how to communicate? You're not alone, it happens more often than you think. Complete our special French course that teaches you how to order dinner, converse with locals and describe places today! Don't forget, our limited 20% Offer is still on!

Free Diploma in Tourism Studies | ALISON

Tourism is a major global industry worth over one trillion dollars in revenue annually and plays an important role in the economies of many countries and regions around the world. Complete this courses today, get 20% Off Parchments or PDF and become an authentic Tourism professional in a booming field!

Free English for Tourism - Tourist Information and Guided Tours Online Course | ALISON

It's the Holiday season and we reckon many of you are travelling all around the world. Enroll in our Free English for Tourism course and learn how to communicate with locals and get information on the best tours and attractions! Complete this course today and get 20% Off on all Parchments and PDFs!

Are you a mobile phone enthusiast and a want to learn about all the workings of it? We have a brand new courses on the development of Android for Mobile!. Check it out and Join in the fun!

Building good relationships at work is not only essential for creating a positive environment, it could also be the making, or breaking, of your career. If you’re spending over 40 hours of your precious life at work every week, then it’s essential that you’re doing all you can to foster great relationships. Check out our blog post and find out how:


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