Ajax Drains
Over 20 years providing the best value plumbing and drain services in Dublin.
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facebook.comNews Posted 2016-09-28 13:46:00 "Flushable Wipes" banned Image for Ask anybody connected to the sanitation industry and they will tell you probably the biggest cause of blockages in sewers is "flushable wipes" so much so the phrase fatbergs has been coined in the UK to describe the accumulation of these wipes and other non-perishable items getting flushed down the loo. Kerry County Council recently admitted a discharge of effluent into a river in Castleisland was caused by baby wipes blocking the sewerage system.This problem is not just confined to Ireland, it is occurring throughout the world from Sydney to London to New York but now Councils and indeed governments are fighting back and now a bill prohibiting the advertising of these products as flushable was introduced in New York. This coupled with a public awareness campaign is helping to reduce the effect of these wipes on sewerage systems and their effect on the environment as we all know they end up in the sea.
NEWS - Ajax Drains
Jadotville Day Wreath Laying Ceremony, The National Museum, Collins Barracks Dublin. For more....click on the photo. http://www.ajaxdrains.com/news/?id=206
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Finally found a use for grandad a mobility scooter
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'Alan drinking in the loo' Well not quite,this is the end of a glass retrieved from the drain of a hostelry in Bray which was flushed down the loo rather than removed(can't say I blame them).Lucky enough after much effort we were able to force it out with the jet saving digging up the floor.
Photos from Ajax Drains's post
D.I.Y A lot of people will want to save themselves a few bob and have a go at clearing their blockage themselves.This can range from pouring boiling water or caustic soda down a drain to getting out the oul sewer rods and trying to 'readdy' it yourself.Sometimes this can end in a happy outcome but sometimes it can end in tears. Caustic solutions can be very dangerous and the fumes alone can burn,sewer rods become old and brittle and can snap if too much pressure is applied,they also are only joined by a quick turn and can easily come apart as this client in Booterstown found out. Having put the camera down the pipe we were able to locate the plunger-head and then we used the backward jets to retrieve the plunger. So sometimes it's easier and cheaper to call Ajax drains than to get covered in you know what!