Dragonfyre Holistic Healing
Learn to cope with stress, get in touch with your spirit, hear your angels, quiet your mind, draw abundance and tackle the source of your ailments. Here at Dragonfyre Holistic Healing, we unapologetically give you the tools to free your spirit from the shackles of your past, from the patterns you have learned from the examples you have had, from your past lives and from anything else that anchors you in your current situation. We help identify the pattern that has created your current condition and we help you release it so that you can affirm wellness in all aspects of YOU. We search your body for dis-ease of your spirit, we help you cut chords with the contracts or pacts of the past that are stopping you from fulfilling your life purpose and soul mission. We shine a light in the darkest corners of your soul to uncover the skeletons that threaten to trip you up on your journey of life and inhibit your success in your relationships, your work and all areas where you may be having trouble. Not only do we help you shine your own light, bright and strong and true, but we show you your beauty and your deservingness of all the good that your life really has to offer.
Most importantly, we ask that you understand that in order to truly heal in the fullest definition of the word, permanently, you take full responsibility for your healing. This may mean changing how you think or the way you relate to people or even altering your whole lifestyle from your diet and home environment to your close relationship, your job or career. Change only comes from within, be the change you wish to see in the world because it starts with 'I'.