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Talkcha Productions

Dead Ostrich Studios, Building A, 35 Philipsburgh Avenue, Fairview, Dublin, Ireland
Media/News Company



Independent Irish Music Talkcha Productions is a collaborative partnership between a cadre of like-minded individuals. Our principal goal is to provide a platform for the independent music which is broadly representational of our own tastes and interests. We hope to offer an alternative soundtrack to the zeitgeist, focusing specifically on the music which defies traditional categorization, or perhaps does not fit cleanly into the existing channels of music coverage in Ireland. November 24th marks our humble beginning with the Talkcha Compilation Vol.1 (Nov. 2011), a collection of tracks from 11 of the most exciting independent acts in the country at present, being launched with a four date tour on consecutive days in Dublin, Waterford, Cork and Galway. We hope to follow up with Vol.2 early in 2012. If you would like to know more about Talkcha Productions, or wish to contribute a track to a forthcoming compilation please contact us at:

The economic situation is at best easily investigated, at worst impossible to avoid at present. While the resultant negative connotations hardly need to be mentioned, the upside, from our point of view, is a variety of motivated and talented individuals who are available to showcase their skills on a project such as this. Talkcha Productions operates in partnership with the following entities...

Luminous Live Events:

Harbottle Media:

AudioAperture Photography:

Dead Ostrich Audio & Visual Studios:

Sean Zissou Videography:


NEAR Talkcha Productions


Dublin, Ireland
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