Rococo is a new bistro restaurant located by the South Quay in Wicklow Town offering a variety of different foods/drinks. Perfect for lunch and dinner!
Elf Town is an Interactive Festive Journey with a visit to Santa. ElfTown opens on the 25th November 2017 each weekend and all Christmas week until Christmas Eve.
Pilates is a balanced blend of strength and flexibility exercises that improve posture reduce stress and create long, lean muscles without bulking up. It is a system of over 500 controlled exercises that engage the mind and condition the body.
THE CONNEMARA 100 on the West Coast of Ireland is run over a measured and certified course.
Wicklow Cancer Support Abbey Street, Wicklow Town Tel: 0404-32696 Centre Open Mon -Thur 10.00. am - 5.00 pm and Fri 10.00 am 1.00 pm
There are seven Public Libraries in Westmeath. We have fiction and non-fiction books for adults and children, large print, audiobooks, dvds & much more
Inspire Garden Design, a professional, friendly, personalised garden design company set up by John McGrath a qualified and experienced Wicklow garden designer.