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NCU Coolock

Glin Centre, Glin Road, Coolock, Dublin, Ireland
Computer Training School



NCU is a non-profit independent organization offering High quality training and community services.  NCU is a non profit organisation that provides services and high quality training to our community. These services are provided using the ethos that all members of society regardless of circumstance are entitled to quality education, training and access to well-paid jobs. NCU is committed to serving our community and offers frontline information, advocacy, training and educational services.

Our training centre provides a comfortable and inviting environment designed to help our customers know that they are enjoying the highest quality training service. This welcoming environment, evident to all who have trained and grown here with us, is a product of the caring ethos of our staff and management.

As a non profit independent organisation NCU has a mission to provide quality information and advocacy services as well as training and education programmes. NCU offer practical training to both business and community enterprises. Approved by FETAC and ICS-Skills this centre is an established skills training provider with a reputation for excellent results.

NCU has the reputation of being a leader in the services it provides and the business-like way it operates. NCU, The Glin Centre and NCU Training are proud of the role we play as a full member of the community.


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