Hazy Days
Looking for something different? Hazy Days pictures are all created about the person. They are a very personal and unique gift. And my name is Hazel�
You can choose any picture you like and we will make it up with lots of little pictures. These little pictures can also be chosen by you. These little picture can be things you like or do, like gardening, sport, animals, flowers whatever you like. We can also put in names or dates.
Hazy Days loves doing these personal pictures and if you keep an eye on the page you will see some examples of what we have done for people. :)
Hazy Days pictures make a very thoughtful and unique gift for a christening, birthday, engagaement, wedding..etc...they can also be something thoughtful or a momento of time spent together with a friend.
Tell your friends
facebook.com🎨🛩🚉🚖 For ‘The Acorns’. I hope you continue to enjoy your trips, art galleries, Italian food and, coffee of course!
💕Big delivery of frames today. Never fails to excite me. Looking forward to filling them with all your wonderful ideas 😉💕
Love is not only something you feel, but something you do. 💕🌸💓💕🌸💓💕🌸💓💕🌸💓💕🌸💓💕🌸💓💕🌸
For Gerry packed with all his favourites.........
💚 Be your own kind of beautiful💚
💙💙 For all the GAA fans out there 💙💙
🎶🎶Dance like no one is watching 🎶🎶
🌸 dressing table tidy 🌸
All sorts captured in a Hazy Days picture- even Darth Vader !
🌸🌸 Summer is coming 😉
⚓️ We can not control the wind, but we can direct the Sail.
I’m hopping MAD with Facebook. I’ve paid for a promotion and they say “your add isn’t delivering because it contains too much text”. Never heard this before 😡😡😡. Of course cannot contact anyone 😤
Stay Cloudy For Me Peepz
🔮 @margiesboy
When is now #TbtoPT #forget #schwicked
| clarity | #christmas #model #fashion #style #party #nofilter #partytime #outfit #ootd #asiangirl #selfie #weekend #gorgeous #fit #fitspiration #girls #beautiful #balmain #body #love #instahappy #tbt #like #skinny #memories #picoftheday #fun #drinks #food #smile
#toxictuesday @redbullhoadet
🗓📟time, moments, minutes & seconds are all worth it with u bae / let's continue to tick🕰✔️
Throw back with this wild child
it was a good day // ice cube gas station ft. adidas jacket