Huntress Blue - Charter Boat Killybegs provides one of Irelands best destinations for sea angling with daily fishing trips available.
Donegal Bay has some of the best fishing grounds in Ireland.
"Come onboard the Huntress Blue for a once in a lifetime trip"
Boat Info
Huntress Blue Licence: 758
Base: Killybegs Operational area: Donegal Bay
Notes: General, Shark and reef fishing.
Address: Killybegs,Co. Donegal.
All types of fishing-suiting clubs, parties, families, hen and stag parties and individual anglers.
Fully insured for up to 12 anglers with full range of safety epuipment including navigational and fish finding electronics.
On board facilites include tea, coffee, rod hire and toilet.
March to October
Day trips 9.30am to 5pm
Evening trips from 5pm to 8.30pm
Weekly package deals available
While on board the spacious 33ft lochin you can enjoy the beautiful scenery Donegal Bay and catch some of the many fish species available in the area.
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