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Simply Birth Donegal

Donegal Town and Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland
Pregnancy Care Center



Pregnancy Yoga and Mum & Baby Yoga classes, Donegal Town. Hypnobirthing antenatal classes are held in Letterkenny and Donegal Town. VBAC preparation add on option available.  Simply Birth Donegal has one goal - that you have a positive birth experience, with or without medication. By preparing well, trusting your instincts and asking the questions that are important to you, you can take ownership of your birthing and feel 'calm, confident and in control', no matter what route your birthing takes.

Our workshops teach expectant couples how they can achieve this, using brain training tools such as hypnosis, mindfulness and sports psychology, as well as an understanding of the Irish maternity system and how best to navigate it. We will help you uncover the innate wisdom that every mother has, that you already know how to birth your baby gently, it's part of your genetic makeup ...  we simply provide you with  skills and techniques to remind you of that power.

Women remember the day they give birth forever. Let's make it a fantastic memory and a positive start on the adventure that is parenthood.


**Babymoon anyone??** Our new ONE DAY hypnobirthing antenatal class would tie in nicely with a wee babymoon in our fab town 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻. Just saying 😉😉😉

New dates for our one day ‘Positive and Prepared’ Workshops. Early bird offer for one week only, a deposit secures your place. PM for more info x

Monthly Meet Up for Mums in Donegal Town ☕️🍰

Hitting a brick wall during labour. Most of us do it at some point. You want to give up, it feels like too much. This is the point you’re on the verge of a miracle 🌟🌟🌟 You’ve reached transition, where your body is changing gears from the dilation stage to the pushing stage. You’re SO close to the finish line, even though it doesn’t feel like it in that moment 😭😭😭. It can feel overwhelming, like you don’t know if you are coming or going. Fear may kick in (‘I’m going to die’), crazy talk (‘let’s go/ I’m out of here/ I don’t want to do this anymore’), or an abrupt change of heart (‘get me the epidural NOW!!’). Feeling like this doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. It means that you ARE. DOING. IT 💪💪💪. Take these feelings as a really good sign that you’re close to meeting your baby. And keep going Mama, you’re nearly there 💗💗💗 If you want to feel positive and prepared for your baby’s birth, PM for more info on our one day hypnobirthing antenatal course. Still some space available for this Saturday, the 21st, in Letterkenny.

My motherhood mantra when the overwhelm kicks in. Deep breaths and dig deeper 💗👊💗 #worksforlabourtoo #affirmations #keepcalmandcarryon #mondayletsbehavingyou

Fantastic for birth, but also attempting to use in the madhouse that is our home this morning 😂💥🙏🏻

Affirmations. A simple statement with a positive intent. How can they possibly help with birth though?? Having been through birth three times now, I’ve gone from being a tad sceptical 🙄 to a big believer in the power of affirmations 👊. Why?? Because, no matter how well supported you are on the day, you will reach a stage in your labour where birth becomes just you and the voice in your head 👼🏻😈. If that voice is saying ‘this is awful’ or ‘I can’t do this’, then fear will creep in, your body will be tense and your mind will be working against what your body is trying to do 🤔 BUT, if that voice is saying ‘I CAN do this’, ‘I trust my instincts’, ‘I relax my mind and my muscles’ and you are able to SURRENDER to the process - then your body can simply get on with the job it was designed to do 🙏🏻 (easy, right 🤣)! Think about your concerns for birth and make your affirmations your own. If a hospital appointment has left you worried you are having a ‘big’ baby, then create an affirmation around that: ‘My baby is the perfect size for my body’. If it’s baby’s position , then ‘my baby is in the perfect position for birth’, or ‘my baby positions herself for a smooth, easy birth’. Your subconscious mind, over time and with consistency, will start to accept these affirmations as if they are true 🤞. Even if you’re still unconvinced, changing any negative views on birthing into something encouraging and supportive can only be a good thing ☀️☀️☀️ Our ONE DAY workshop provides you with a beautiful set of affirmation cards as part of your goodie bag. There’s still some space available for next Saturday, April 21st. Photo credit: @kelseylindner 💗

More info on our lovely Baby Bump Painting event 🤰🤰🤰Make sure to book your slot with Sarah as spaces are filling up fast 💗💗💗

Pregnancy daydreaming ❤️ Credit @kimothyjoy

Birth is extraordinary in its ordinariness 💗💗💗 #birthaffirmations #positiveandprepared #youvegotthismama


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