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Bow Waves

2 Victoria Place, Galway, Ireland
Sports & Fitness Instruction



Bow Waves - Galway Sailing and Powerboat School.Established in 1996, Bow Waves offer a range of water sports training, days out, week and weekend excursions for groups and individuals from ages 5 to 85+. Get out on the water.
3 Hour Kayaking €60 per person
3 Hour Keelboat Sailing €60 per person
3 Hour Powerboating €60 per person



A talk aimed at highlighting the opportunities available right now for exciting varied careers at sea. From crewing on Superyachts, Cruise Ships to Wind Farm Support Vessels and Work Boats, this event will give you the necessary information to open new doors into a life at sea that allows you to travel worldwide while securing your future as you do it. For more information please contact Mary @ +353 91 560560

This is a one day course giving you an understanding of radar as an aid to navigation and collision avoidence. Cruising boats increasingly have radar on board.The International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea states that if you have a radar you must know how to use it. Radar is probably the most versatile of all the electronic aids but the best results are only possible when you know how to use all the functions correctly. It is not an all seeing eye, and can easily mislead those who do not understand its controls, allow for its limitions or interpret its picture. Cost €175.00 Please contact Mary at 091 560560 to secure place on course

Details A one-day beginners’ course to help you prevent and solve diesel engine failure. Mechanical failure is the main cause of rescue call-outs to cruisers. Basic maintenance and engine care will help ensure that you are not part of this statistic. Most engine problems can be avoided by taking simple precautions, and you don’t need a detailed mechanical knowledge. This course teaches you how your engine works, how to keep it healthy by using basic checks and maintenance procedures, and how to get it started again in the event of a breakdown. Whether you sail a yacht with an auxiliary diesel engine or are a motor cruising enthusiast, this course could not just save you money, but one day could save your life. Cost €175.00

Miss summer?

Survival. Do you have what it takes?

And they're off!!! 😱

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Navigation This is an advanced course in Navigation and Meteorology for candidates who want to gain their Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Certificates. The syllabus make provisions for some revision of subjects in the Day Skipper Course but those who have not acquired the knowledge of the elementary course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in the advanced course. Ideally you should have the Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate before embarking on this course. If however you are confident in your ability to skipper a boat and you have a good understanding of all the basics, then you could come onboard at this level. This is a 16 week course taking place every Thursday evening (7-10pm) from 2nd November. Cost €595.00 Enrolling now For more information, please contact 091 560560 or

RYA Day Skipper Navigation This is a beginner's course, which assumes no prior experience and is intended to be both informative and enjoyable. It introduces basic navigation, including chartwork, position fixing, tides, bouyage and passage planning as well as the essential subjects of safety and meteorology. The course is equally suited to both sail and power users. An introduction to the safe use of G.P.S. is also included. A course completion certification is issued to students who successfully complete the course. This 16 week course takes place weekly on Tuesday evenings starting Tuesday 7th November. Enrolling now. For more information please contact 091 560560 or Cost €595.00

This is an advanced course in Navigation and Meteorology for candidates who want to gain their Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Certificates. The syllabus make provisions for some revision of subjects in the Day Skipper Course but those who have not acquired the knowledge of the elementary course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in the advanced course. Ideally you should have the Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate before embarking on this course. If however you are confident in your ability to skipper a boat and you have a good understanding of all the basics, then you could come onboard at this level. Duration: minimum 40 hours – this can be covered over a five day period or over 16 evenings (7-10pm) This is a 16 week course taking place every Thursday from 2nd November. Cost €595.00 Enrolling now For more information, please contact 091 560560 or


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