Professional tattoo studio .
Specializing in custom tattooing.
We cater to all styles
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Opening Hours
- Tuesday
- 10:30 - 18:00
- Wednesday
- 10:30 - 18:00
- Thursday
- 10:30 - 18:00
- Friday
- 10:30 - 18:00
- Saturday
- 11:00 - 18:00
facebook.comZombie Dollz Tattoo Parlour
Hi all , the lovely Steff is doing walk ins tomo She has some awesome designs ( including friends as Stranger Things flash ) ready to go !!
Hooligan carts
Zombie Dollz Tattoo Parlour
Hi all , the lovely Steff is doing walk ins tomo She has some awesome designs ( including friends as Stranger Things flash ) ready to go !!
First one done by Steff this morning ❤️
Photos from Zombie Dollz Tattoo Parlour's post
Steff is here , There is some space available with her today and tomo !! Check out her awesome flash Go in treat yourself !! 🕸
Zombie Dollz Tattoo Parlour
Steff has a few spaces available this thur and Friday . Pm for bookings She’s here for two days only people so get in !!
Photos from Zombie Dollz Tattoo Parlour's post
Our apprentice Patricia has some available designs 🖤 Pm to book with her 👽 She has some availability this week. From next week onwards she will be available Friday's and Saturdays only ! Deposits will be required to confirm any bookings !
Ruth Kavanagh , Tattoo Artist
I will be doing consultations next Thursday and Friday for new projects, so if you have an interesting idea come chat with me also I am taking bookings for remaining dates in November & December , weekdays available only . Pm , email or call to book consultation Consultations are free , deposits are required to book an appointment
i am taking bookings for this lovely show in October, pm or email ideas to me , and lets do something beautiful and dark <3
Ruth is running an offer in her remaining dates in OCTOBER Discount on horror and dark themed tattoos dates available are Tue 8th , Wed 16th , Tue 22nd , Wed 23rd, tue 29th and Wed 30th
#tattoo#tattooartist #tattoostudio #irishtattooartist #irishart #irishink #irishinkers #inksental #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattooer #ladytattooer #femaletattooartist #happysadmad #theatremasks #comedyandtragedy #masks #masktattoo #blackandgrey #chesttattoo #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedolztattooparlour

Puppet breaking free for Julia 💜 thanks for trusting me with your first tattoo 😘 . . #puppettattoo #puppetmaster #puppetmastertattoo #free #freedom #linework #forearmtattoo #firsttattoo #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreyrealism #blackandgrey #blackwork #blackwortattoo #customtattoo #customtattoodesign #juniortattooist #juniorartist

Got a little more done on this cover up today #tattoo #tattoostudio #tattooartist #coverup #sleevetattoo #blackandgrey #inprogress #wip #boyswithtattoos #irishart #irishink #irishinkers #inksrntial #donegal #donegalartist #donegaltattooer #donegaltattoo #ladytattooer #femaletattooartist #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedollztattooparlour

#tattoo #Marilyn #marilynmonroe #portrait #realistic #blackandgrey #irishartist #irishtattooer #ladytattooer #femaletattooartist #irish art #irishink #irishinkers #inksential #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #tattoostudio #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz zombiedollztattooparlour

#handtattoo #tattoo #boyswithtattoos #jobstopper #skulltattoo #handskull #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #donegaltattooer #irishart #irishink #irishinkers #irishtattooartist #irishtattooer #ruthkavangh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedollztattooparlour

#tinyglobetattoo #earthtattoo #traditionaltattoo #girlswithtattoos #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #donegaltattooartist #donegaltattoostudio #irishart #irishink #irishinkers #irishtattooartist #irishtattoostudio #inksential #ruthkavangh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedollztattooparlour

#ornamentaltattoo #rosetattoo #mandalatattoo #girlswithtattoos #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #donegaltattooartist #donegaltattoostudio #irishart #irishartist #irishink #irishinkers #irishtattooartist #inksential #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedollztattooparlour

Practicing my writing. Tattoo done on @zombie_bitch_18 • • • • • #tattoo #tattooapprentice #tattooapprenticeship #writing #blackndwhite #kermit #the #frog

She’s coming along nicely 🐍☠️👌🏼 • • • • • • • • • #medusa #back #medusapiercing #tattoos #shoulders #ink #septum #inked #lats #girlwithpiercings #nostril #chest #biceps #backday #tattooed #arms #triceps #traps #tattooartist #to #girlwithtattoos #delts #tattooart #pierced #backattack #tattoolife #inkedup #piercing #girlswithtattoos #inkedgirls

Little ornamental cross for Olivia, thanks for trusting me with this 🤗 . . #crosstattoo #ornamentaltattoo #ornamentalcross #jewelrytattoo #smalltattoo #blackwork #blackwortattoo #dotwork #dotworktattoo #daintytattoo #realistictattoo #realism #celticcrosstattoo #tattoosforgirls #juniourartist

#smalltattoo #thor #thirshammer #thorshelmet #ligjteningbolt #epilepsyawareness #epilepsy #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #donegaltattooer #irishart #irishink #irishinkers #inksential #irishtattoo #irishtattooer #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombie #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zimbiedollztattooparlour

After a few years of swollen hands from steroid withdrawal, I got back into small gloves !! #swollenhands #sausagefingers #exzema #topicalsteroidwithdrawal #topicalsteroidaddiction #topicalsteroidsymptoms #tsw #rss #topicalsteroidrecovery #steroidsarethedevilswork #steroidsarethedevil #todayisagoodday

More botanicals like this would be fun to do 🤗🥀🌿🍁🌲🌷 Thank you Elaine for trusting me with this, it was a pleasure 😘 . . #botanicaltattoo #flowertattoo #smalltattoo #purpleflowers #ankletattoo #tattoosforgirls #colourrealism #colourtattoo #stylised #tattoo #apprenticetattoo #microtattoo #organictattoo #botanical #juniortattooist #tattooflash #🥀

#inprogress #wip #skulls #sleeve #blackandgreytattoo #irishart #irishink #irishtattoo #irishinkers #irishartist #irishtattooartist #irishtattooer #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #donegaltattooer #tattoo #skulltattoo #longwaytogo #ruthzombie #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedollztattooparlour #tattoostudio #tattooartist

#spaceavailable #februrayappointments #availability #tattoo #tattoostudio #tattooartist #tattooappointmentsavailable #tattooappointment #tattoodesigns #ruthzombie #ruthkavanagh #ruthzombiedoll #zombiedollztattoo #zombiedollz #zombiedollztattooparlour #donegal #donegalart #donegalartist #donegaltattoo #donegaltattooer #irishart #irishink #irishtattoo #irishinkers #irishartist
