Materials Chemistry and Analysis Group
This page showcases and highlights the cutting edge research being undertaken by the Materials Chemistry and Analysis Group at University College Cork. Every aspect of basic nanoscale science, as well as the commercial production of nanotechnologies,is dependent upon the capacity of instruments and methodologies to fabricate, measure, sense and manipulate matter at the nanoscale. The Materials Chemistry and Analysis Group focus on the development of chemical methods for the synthesis, fabrication and assembly of nanostructured materials and their in-depth characterisation by advanced electron microscopy techniques. In particular, we are interested in understanding nanoscale phenomenon in materials and determining structure-property relationships that enable the creation of novel functional devices with applications in electronics, sensing, energy storage and conversion and chemical separations
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facebook.comNew Generation Electron Beam Resists: A Review - Chemistry of Materials (ACS Publications)
'New Generation Electron Beam Resists: A Review' by @yordanmg and Anushka, published in Chem. Mater.
Read Subha's latest review article on 'Inducing imperfections in Ge Nanowires' published in Nano Research
Tin-based alloys offer platform for energy-efficient electronic devices
Tin-based alloys offer platform for energy-efficient electronic devices
Scientists cook up super-strong material out of soybean oil
Scientists cook up material 200 times stronger than steel out of soybean oil via @abcnews
Endangered Elements - American Chemical Society
Endangered Elements - American Chemical Society
Post-Doctoral Researcher at University College Cork
Postdoctoral opening in block copolymers @mcag_ucc
Materials Chem@UCC (@mcag_ucc) posted a photo on Twitter
I've got my ion you
Materials Chem@UCC (@mcag_ucc) posted a photo on Twitter
Giuseppe enjoying himself.
Materials Chem@UCC (@mcag_ucc) posted a photo on Twitter
Merry Christmas!
Photos from Materials Chemistry and Analysis Group's post
Materials Chemistry Christmas Dinner!
Photocatalytic air-purification: a low-cost, real-time gas detection method - Analytical Methods (RSC Publishing)
Congratulations to Donal on his recent publication on photocatalytic air purification in @MethodsRSC
Synthesis of indium nanoparticles at ambient temperature; simultaneous phase transfer and ripening
Collaborative paper with Prof. Christoph Marschner on the synthesis of indium nanoparticles