Helping men & women become Healthier, Fitter, Happier & Stronger using our high cal burins workouts and witty banter PRO PT Studios is the only fitness studio of its kind. Those who come to PRO PT Studios are guaranteed results
We are that confident in you getting results that we will give you your money back if you see ZERO results from out programmes.
Our goal is to get you to where you want to be ASAP without having to live under a rock or live on broccoli, water and chicken in order to get your desired results!
We understand that it can be intimidating to join a gym and or fitness studio for the first time, so our studio is aimed at making you feel comfortable from the get go!
How do we do that?
You will get a consultation with a trainer at the start to discuss your goals and get to know who you are going to be training with
You will then get a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL
By then you will have got the ball rolling and the next 4/6/8/12 weeks/months will be where the big transformation will occur.
Get in touch VIA message/email/call and arrange a consultation today.
Mob: 085 173 8956 (Dean)
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facebook.comWorkout Wednesday 💪🏻 7am Killing it 🔥
The Truth About Diet Plans 🍕🍺🍔
You read that right. I am doing a 24hr static bike ride in aid of St Francis Hospice. This is a place which we will all be affected by it either - by knowing someone who has gone through these doors - or possible going through it ourselves The pain/stress I will be putting myself through during 24hours of cycling will be nothing compared to the pain and emotional stress these guys go through on a daily basis - staff - patients - loved ones I hope you can support me along the way. There will be 3 bikes. 1, ridden by me and 2 others which will be available at 1hr intervals for family, friends, clients and the likes to get involved. If you take a bike for an hour you will have a target of €500 for your hour. My personal goal is €12000 raised. A go fund me page will be set up as soon as possible. And any business that are Interested in getting involved are more than welcome. Be apart of something bigger than yourself. Help others. Let’s do this. Dean
The Announcement I have been itching to give / Quick Q + A ⚡️
Eating Little & Often Is Better For Fat Loss?? 🔥🍕 I have this said to me on a daily basis, and any trainer who tells you this is lying to you. "Dean I am eating 6 times a day as I heard its better for fat loss, it keeps my metabolism burning" The reason you may think this and a high percentage of people do is because of "experts" making unsubstantiated claims on fat loss to sell a book/plan that you would buy.... and they make money $$$ The thing we all need to learn about he weight loss industry is that it is a HYPER profitable industry. Where your success isn't always at the forefront of someones goal, but making big money is.. Why? Well think of how many people are looking to get leaner in the world or have health issues that need to be sorted and weight loss would be the answer? Heres a statistic for you -> "In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight" - World Health Organisation So if your in the business of making money, and need an audience/customer base the weight loss industry is where a lot of shady people go. think of the adds you see at 3am on QVC, they aren't there to HELp you, they are there to MAKE MONEY!!! So these MYTHS about eating little and often and others are all to common these days. You may know a good few yourself, but we are only going to deal with this one today. Im not going to talk much more about it as the next few paragraphs are taking from the Harvard Health website and sum it up perfectly. ___________________________________ What the Science Says The limited research suggests that eating three structured meals per day compared with fewer than three meals per day can help control appetite and lead to feelings of fullness. A 6-month feeding trial of 51 people looked at the effect of eating frequency on hunger, energy intake and weight loss. Participants were split into 2 groups. The "gorging group" ate 3 meals per day. The "grazing group" ate about 100 calories every 2 to 3 hours. Grazers ate about 6 times per day. Participants were given a calorie limit based on their individual weight-loss goals. By the end of the study, all of the participants had lost weight. However, there was no difference in the amount of weight lost between the two groups. But people in the grazing group experienced significantly less hunger. But this did not lead to more weight loss for the grazing group. An 8-week study looked at the difference in weight loss between participants who ate 3 times a day versus 6 times per day. They all reduced their food intake by an average of 700 calories a day. Half of the 16 participants ate 3 times per day. The other half ate 6 times per day. Participants in each of the groups lost the same amount of weight. This was a small study. And it did not look at long-term weight loss. To sum up, eating fewer calories helps you lose weight. But when you eat or how often you eat does not affect weight loss. We need more long-term studies to determine the optimal number of times a day to eat. ______________________________________ The last paragraph is possibly the most important one there, eating more doesn't change anything but its the consumption of fewer calories which does. Hope you find this post helpful and informative. Please feel free to share it with your friends. Dean References: Harvard Health Publishing - July 2015 World Health Organisation - February 2018
🍕ALCOHOL & FAT LOSS🍺 Your guide to how many Cals each of your favourite “adult drinks” have 🚨DISCLAIMER 🚨 Now, it doesn’t matter how calorie conscious you try to be with what you drink if you end up with a face full of curry chips 😂 (so worth it) But here is a helpful guide for you to get a bit smarter with your choice of drink. 🍺 Pint of beer- 180 Cals 🍸Gin & Elderflower Tonic- 213 Cals 🍹Mojito- 242 Cals 🍾 Glass of Bubbles - 117 Cal 💣Jäger Bomb (someone will suggest it)- 209 Cals + the impending shameful acts 🇮🇪Pint of Guinness - 210 Cals Now you are aware of the Cals, go forth and have a great night! Be good, and if you can’t be good. BE CAREFUL 😉 #LeanWithDean
Kinda Fitness.🥊 Who's going to win the big fight?
⚡️How to not mess up your fat loss this weekend⚡️ Your on a roll and smashing your goals and out of nowhere ... POW Here comes another BH weekend, and not just any old BH, it’s Easter. We both know you have a thing for Galaxy Easter Eggs, remember what happened last year 😂 So this time your a little more conscious of the task at hand. Hit up the tips below on how you can still have fun this weekend and NOT feel guilty or like you have lost progress. Remember one bad meal doesn’t make yo fat... just like one “healthy” meal doesn’t make you ripped. Enjoy the BH weekend and be good. And if you can’t be good, be careful 😂
Sad News has just reached us here. Never thought I would have to write a post like this. Damien Molloy, a member here at the studio of our mens programme sadly passed away on Tuesday. This news comes as a shock to us all. There is a run organised by Hartstown parkrun tomorrow morning, dedicated to Damien as he was a keen runner. I will be attending it myself, and all are welcome. Damien was a gent and I'm sure anyone who had the pleasure of knowing him would say the same. Dean.
🍫🐇 EASTER EGGS 🐇🍫 It’s almost here, the day we all go elbow deep on some chocolate.... This can be fine if you don’t splurge all the time. For some a chocolate induced coma isn’t all that rare... more of a weekly occurrence. I love a good Cream Egg, Easter eggs not so much but that doesn’t mean I won’t snap a piece off and have some with a cup of coffee on Sunday. It’s important to know what we are putting in our mouths. Because when your trying in a dress in a weeks time and it’s a little uncomfortable it’s important to know what could have been the cause (Consistent calorie surplus) Have a read below and see how many calories are in your Sunday Egg or EGGS! If your brave enough comment below how many it has ⚡️
Workout Wednesday 💥

Dedication. Day IN Day OUT

Never Miss A Monday 💪🏻

E F F O R T Something you can’t fake! Something that has to be done. In Fitness, and all areas of your life. If something is lacking it’s probably to do with effort. Or else the effort is there and your just impatient. #LeanWithDean

Strength & Conditioning session done with @leanwithdeanofficial 💪🏻👟🙌🏻 #feelingstrong #thursdaytraining #proptstudios

😊More Than A Gym 😊 Another signature joins the ever growing banner of great men and women we have trained over the years. When you join PRO PT Studios, your not just a client. YOUR A FRIEND

Clients Xmas Gifts are tasty this year 🔥👌🏻 #LeanWithDean

#TruthTuesdays "whats the best diet in the world" A frequently googled question or a rehash of that. Admit it you have don'e it yourself haven't you, wether its Diet, Food for fat loss or , Exercise for fat loss We have all googled for a quick fix or a tool to get us from A to B ...... QUICK! But unfortunately having better health/bodies is nothing we can - Google - Add to Cart - Purchase - Deliver - Use DONE In the space of 24 hours like most tings these days. Health is something which has a fairly level playing field when the rich and the poor are all on this 1 level, where 1 thing and 1 thing only determines your success in this field CHOICES..... now thats for a separate story in the future. Instead of looking at whats the "best in the world" Look instead at "what is the best in the world for YOU" With your schedule With your food likes and dislikes With your family/work commitments You see everywhere you look someone is shovelling a meal plan or a trick or a...

Let the Sweat Commence! The studio is FINALLY fully fitted & kitted! Absolutely everything you need to achieve AWESOME fat loss results! @proptstudios

Nice additions to the studio! Cheers @gregorybradley and @blkboxfitness for the rowers 👌🏻 the members of the studio will live yas no doubt! #LeanWithDean

@riothestaffie popped in for a visit last night in the studio! Definitely the cutest and hariest member 😂😂 #LeanWithDean

Where the F did you come from? 😱 #LeanWithDean

Time to hit the gym! Need to push myself this evening, it’s miserable out ☔️💦 & I’m feeling exhausted, but I know I’ll feel better for it afterwards! #FullBodyFriday #StrengthAndConditioning #FridayFeels

#dailylifephotography #motherhood #familytime #familyphotography #irelandphotographer #lithuanianphotographer @carrotinc #photography

CORE 😎 do you do core training? Our members are elbow deep with their core work! We always include it in our training sessions! Seen above is Judith, Rach & Regina doing 3 great core exercises! TRX PLANK / CRUNCH / ROLL OUTS These 3 paired together is a trifecta guaranteed to help tone and build their core 🙌🏻 #LeanWithDean
