One of Irelands Leading family run riding establishments! Check out our website
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🐰 Easter Programme 2018 🐰 ~ Private Lessons and Rides are available over the Easter Period ~ There will be no evening rides the week commencing 9th April ~ Term 2 for Evening Riders will commence Tuesday 17th April
Please Note: Term riding will take place as usual on St Patrick's Day, Saturday 17th March. Hopefully we will see you all then! Our usual Bank Holiday rides will take place on Monday 19th March i.e 2 hour Cross-Country Ride (experienced/intermediate riders) at 10.30am and a 2 hour Novice Trek at 2.30pm. Call the office on 01 286 3778 to book.
Getting in the last of the snow ❄️ Clodie & India , Thursday regulars Mary Brigid Brian Barry Trish & Iomar , and Alvaro on Winky .
Livery owner Dervilla (back from holidays on Sunday) having missed all the snow chatting to Jane in the yard while brushing off her horse 'Oki'.
Our main drive is still snowed under so please use the Hollybrook entrance to access the riding school if the main gates are still closed. Lessons recommence as normal this week except for Tuesday evening. Images below are from evening stables on Sunday (thanks Hannah and Delphi!) and Monday morning (well done Belinda!).
Progress at last! Thanks to cousin Edward from Conan Plant Hire. It is not only his son Jack that does his 'bit' for Ireland 🇮🇪️ 😉
The yard is closed - the horses are having a duvet day ;) There will be no lessons tomorrow Saturday 3rd March or Sunday 4th March.
Awaiting "Emmageddon"!!
Snow cleared and ready for a day's work. Thanks Jonathan and well done Lisa for making it in from Dublin
Early morning yard scenes
Due to the bad weather forecast and the approaching 'Beast from the East', all EVENING rides (7.30pm and 8.30pm) have been cancelled this week. We will reschedule the missed lessons at the end of the term.
Two of our riders, Olivia and Susan passed their Pony Club D+ Test last weekend. Olivia rode Duke and Susan was on Blackjack. Well done girls!
Beaut. @keelanhiggs can't ride a horse

"The purest and most thoughtful of minds are those which love colour(s) the most" - John Ruskin #CuttingCornersAndKnockingPoles #JackDidntWin #ZoolanderThatYou #LifeBetweenTheCobs #PrettyOrFunny #Pretty #PureANDThoughtful #SeanOrCian #HaveYouSeenMyFish #LongLiveTheBOP #TheBOPLivesOn #JohannaIsStillFat #GAT #Lads #Cans #Sweg #Slay

I'm so sorry that I haven't been very active lately, I've genuinely just forgotten and then it's been too late😬 I promise though that I'll be more active from now on💗 • Planning on taking my C test during Easter, hopefully It'll go well as I have a slight feeling duke won't go down without making a fuss😂 also looking forward to the hunter trial season, honestly can't wait to get back riding duke properly. Just going to be sticking with pre-novice for now but may do a novice if all goes well💕 -L x QOTD: What PC tests have you completed? AOTD: well I skipped my D cuz it's easy peasy, done my D+ and am doing my C in Easter😊 • {everyone checkout my lovely sponsor @crystal.equine for stunning products and apparel😍 discount code= BRS10}

Once again I apologise for the crappy quality😷 • Planning on placing a huge order either today or tomorrow which will include a few things from my lovely sponsor @crystal.equine 💕 might do a live and show u guys what I got once it all arrives😊 what are your thoughts on that? X -L

Sorry guys Ik the quality of this row is terrible but they're the only pics I have from the dr clinics and it's really hard to get good quality pics in the indoor. • Had the best rideout today omg😍 rode duke and he was so amazing oml😍, I honestly forgot how much I adore him. We went for some really nice canters up a long stretch and then popped the sheltered log and an "absolutely enormous" step😂 @equiindia like omg I don't know how I survived it! • Duke was such a good boy today and I'm just so happy to see him fit again so hopefully this season will be successful and we'll get loads out of it💪 -L x QOTD: Plans for this season? AOTD: Well I'm currently on the lookout for my own horse but for the time being I'm planning on doing a ton of HT on duke and just have a ton of fun💕 • {Proudly sponsored by the amazing @crystal.equine checkout her account for stunning products and apparel😍😍}

Well done to Muireann Spain for getting through to round 2 of #dressage at Colours over the weekend! 🐎 #dancingqueen #colours #ucdequestrian

Just some friends horsing around 🐴 #DUEC #TCDColours #equestrian

My face in this😷 • Have some exciting news coming up though I won't say anything just in case it all doesn't go to plan😊 • Can everyone please make sure you've liked my other to recents please❤️ -L x • Q: Fav horsey youtuber? A: @theresemoser and @greyeventer

Naww I love this pic so much💕 • I honestly don't know where to start, Sonny was actually so fantabulous today😍 • We did a ton of work on flexion, shoulder-ins and getting them softer on the mouth. Tbh I'm not very happy how I rode though😒 • Still can't get over how amazing sonny was for me though, like I finally feel like we are starting to get on and work well together so hopefully things will only get better😊 -Laura {add my amazing sponsor @crystal.equine on sc (crystalequine) we will be doing weekly takeovers and bts💗}

Finally have some recent pics guys! This was from the flatwork clinic on the 22nd💕 • My lesson last week went great, rode willow for the first time and I think I'm in love😍 at the start I found her really weird but as the lesson went on I became more and more in love with her💗 we kind of continued what we did the week before and worked on striding before and in between fences, working up to a small course💙 Really happy with how willow went, she's such a honest jumper oml😍 • Have a lesson tomorrow and then on Sunday I will be taking over my sponsor @crystal.equine 's sc: @/crystalequine❤️ aswell as that I have another dr clinic which I'll be taking sonny to also😊 ~L➰ Q: Are you doing the DR clinics on Sunday? If so CDB⬇️

{15.01.2016} • Becca • Well this is the goofiest pic ever and he's covered in stains but why not 🙃❤️. Amazing lesson on Friday - he loved it, I loved it - been so happy with how he's been going recently. • Q: fave song right now A: Shape of You ~ Ed Sheeran obviouslyyyyy 😏 • Sponsored by @crystal.equine [HP10] #ProspectEdOtto PC: the wonderful @equiindia ❤️
![{15.01.2016} • Becca
Well this is the goofiest pic ever and he's covered in stains but why not 🙃❤️. Amazing lesson on Friday - he loved it, I loved it - been so happy with how he's been going recently.
Q: fave song right now
A: Shape of You ~ Ed Sheeran obviouslyyyyy 😏
Sponsored by @crystal.equine [HP10]
PC: the wonderful @equiindia ❤️](
{1.01.2017} • Becca • • Happy New Year everyone! Think things are looking up finally ❤️. • • QOTD: what's your number one new years' resolution? AOTD: Learn to think positively in negative situations 🍓
