Promoting science, scepticism and rational thinking in Cork. We host interesting talks in Blackrock Castle on a wide variety of subjects. Cork Skeptics aim to encourage a rational, science-based approach to issues related to media, health, culture and society in the locality, while connecting with the international skeptical movement.
We host regular talks at Blackrock Castle Observatory. These meetings, or "Skeptics In The Castle", usually feature a talk from an invited guest speaker with a more informal chat afterwards.
Skeptics In The Castle is open to everyone. We welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have. Check our Facebook page or website for details of upcoming events.
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facebook.comClimate Change Skeptic Group Seeks to Influence 200,000 Teachers
Climate deniers trying to influence US education around climate change. Next up, tobacco companies telling kids why smoking is good for your health...
The Credible Hulk
How Do We Know That Humans Are Causing Climate Change? These Nine Lines of Evidence
Multiple lines of evidence, all coming to the same conclusion.
The Kennedy Pushing His Own Fake News
A great overview of how the anti-vaccine movement has been pushing their falsehoods for decades.
I am an Arctic researcher. Donald Trump is deleting my citations | Victoria Herrmann
Incredible. They are trying to destroy the evidence.
Measles outbreak across Europe - BBC News
Thanks, antivaxxers.
Trump to sign executive order undoing Obama's clean power plan
Government by Fox News punditry continues: US government reverses course on the environment.
Encinitas woman dead after turmeric IV infusion
A naturopath injects turmeric into the bloodstream. Client dies.
Alternative Homeopathy is the newest craze among physicians
Alternative homeopathy... 😀
Cognitive dissonance: Why some people ignore science and reject GMO safety | Genetic Literacy Project
Cognitive dissonance happens when you are presented with uncomfortable truths that contradict your beliefs. The story of GMOs is a tale of cognitive dissonance from beginning to end.
Next in line for the anti-vaccination brigade? Autism
One of many horrible things about all this is that parents of autistic children are made to feel guilty and isolated by the anti-vaccine lobby.
Timeline Photos
Vaccines are lifesavers.