Specialist nutritional advice for acute and chronic health conditions using diet and lifestyle. Blackrock, Co Dublin
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• The Wild Healthy Manifesto • If you're bombarded with information right now, are starting to lose momentum or get confused with your health and wellness plan, I want you to take 5 mins for yourself and read this. Just sit down somewhere quiet and gather yourself, and remind yourself of some very simple facts. Firstly, you're trying. You might take that for granted, but trust me; to begin is the biggest hurdle, and one of the hardest parts. Secondly, pull all that over-informed, 'latest research says' right back to some very simple philosophies that will always apply: your body deserves respect; you should stay hydrated, so top up that water bottle; you should eat your veggies; and you should bring good people to your table to share food and stories with. If that's all you can focus on for now, the battle is almost won. You got this. 💜
What is Type 2 Diabetes - Health Blogs, Tips & Advice - Laya Healthcare A third in my series of blog posts for Laya Healthcare. This post talks about Type 2 Diabetes, and what diet and lifestyle changes you could start initiating alongside your medical management. It also has one of my favourite recipes; a curry that can be adapted to suit meat-eaters, vegetarians, vegans, and coeliacs. Watch the video, read the blog, and let me know if you re-create it.
Wild Healthy's Christmas Manifesto I penned my final blog post of the year today. It's been on my mind for weeks, so I stayed on at the office till now (just after 3pm on Christmas Eve Eve) to write it all down. If you have 7 minutes, give it a read. Wishing you all a peaceful, joyful, healthful, badass Christmas.
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3 wee gift vouchers going out in the post today. One is very general, for a Mam who is a foodie and loves to chat and get advice about all things 'wellness'; one is for someone with a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, so their partner is eager they get some assistance with dietary changes alongside new medication they've started; and one is the IBS package- 5 sessions to really get to the bottom of digestive changes this person has been going through for most of 2016. I'm donating a percentage of my total sales of gift vouchers this Christmas to 2 charities, just to try in some way to keep the energy circulating. So if you know someone who could benefit from a change in diet and lifestyle, who might need assistance with a health issue and would recognise your gift as kindness and not interference, then get in touch. That last bit is important. We can only change when we're ready, not because someone else wishes it. 💜
Laya Healthcare
Stewp with avocado toast. Warming, nutritious, and a great immune-boosting recipe. Make sure to read my blog post as well as watch the recipe on Laya Healthcare
Preparing your food in batch can save you time and will benefit your health and diet in the long run. Read our best advice for cooking in batch.
I'm so delighted to announce that Laya Healthcare commissioned me to write a series of blog posts and vlogs on Nutritional Medicine and the first three are now up on their website. Have a look and let me know what you think- I talk about batch cooking as a primer for improving your health, the immune system, and inflammation, all with evidence-based science behind each topic and a dedicated recipe for each.
Wild Healthy's Nutrition Manifesto | Nutrition Tip 2
New Blog Post: Eat Thy Veggies
Sports Nutrition | Interview with Near FM
New Blog Post Interview with Near FM on sports nutrition.
Wild Healthy's Nutrition Manifesto | Nutrition Tip 1
New Blog Post. Wild Healthy's Nutrition Manifesto: Respect Thy Body
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14 more sleeps. Only 2 weeks til Wild Healthy Nutrition ups and leaves the inner city for the burbs of Blackrock. This is the beautiful building I'm moving into. 15a Main Street, Blackrock. Woohoo!!!
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Coming June 9th... New Front Door. Plus, new hours, new postcode, new beginnings. 💜
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Scientific Studies (HBO)
I don't, and most likely never will, share the results of different scientific studies on here. A meta-analysis MAYBE. But Wild Healthy does not subscribe to the "see, here's one paper that proves my point" style of nutrition education. Take 20 mins to watch John Oliver succinctly explain why. Scientific analysis can rarely be repackaged into a sexy sound-bite, yet it relentlessly happens, to the confusion of everyone. Even the scientists.